Hormigas Soldados

Content Warning: This article details a fictional, but hyperviolent criminal organization.

The Hormigas Soldados are one of the largest and most violent street gangs. Starting on the West Coast in the 1980s, it has spread across the country and become a central focus of law enforcement. In spite of these efforts, they remain a persistent threat and shows signs of expanding their criminal portfolio. The Hormigas Soldados present a difficult problem for authorities to tackle. They operate in urban locations in cells. In reality, they are more of a social organization, with criminal conduct, in spite of its brutality, being mostly incidental.


Hormigas Soldados is complex on one hand but quite simple on the other. They operate without any clear heirarchy or central leadership. Instead, there are layers of leadership whose control is as dynamic as the gang itself.

The top consists of "leadership councils" formed by seasoned veterans. The mid-level, the Miembro, manages the various cells of the gang, referred to as "cliques" or "clickas." These cliques are semi-autonomous, encouraged to beef up their ranks and expand their criminal activity.

These cliques form the immediate circle of a member of the HS. The clique is more important than the individual and each member is fiercely loyal as the clique is the closest thing to a family they have.


The speed of growth leads most experts to believe that Hormigas Soldados recruits aggressively wherever they operate. The truth may be more frightening. While they certainly recruit in some locations, for the most part, potential recruits come to them. The sense of community provided by the gang, a strong "brand," and a sense of vulnerability lead many young hopefuls to the gang.

Youths join gangs for a variety of reasons, ranging from fear to connection. Hormigas Soldados are no different. A survey of Soldados found that more than half enjoyed being part of something bigger than themselves. A third believe that the gang has given them a family.

Monetary rewards are notably absent from the list of reasons members join and Soldados rarely find themselves financially well off. The gang is fiscally fluid and money moves through it quickly, with members living hand to mouth, albeit extravagantly.

Joining the Gang

The joining process can often be brutal and many recruits confuse the process with actually being in the gang. But only after passing several tests and quarter minute "beat-in" do they become full fledged Soldados.

The first stage is "Decisión" in which a recruit affirms their intention to join the gang. From this point, they are given basic tasks to perform, as lookouts, to deliver messages, or provide information.

After a period of time, a recruit becomes a Novato. They are given increasingly specific and compromising tasks, proving their commitment and loyalty. A recruit can spend years as a Novato, "camina con el diablo."

Formal entry relies on a final task, which is to commit a murder for the gang, usually a member of a rival gang. Once this is done, they are ushered into the gang with a quarter minute beat-in, after which they hold a celebration. Now they are Soldados, given their "apodo" and full membership.


When they do recruit, it's generally for individuals with specialized training, who can offer capabilities not available within the general populace. To entice recruits, they often ply them with drugs, alcohol, and women. These recruits are often pushed through an accelerated timeline, but they are not spared the requirements to commit a murder and be "jumped in."

Use of Violence

For the Hormigas Soldados, violence is often portrayed as an end in and of itself but the employment of violence is motivated by numerous external and internal factors. The violence is part of the gang's brand and appeals to a sense of hypermasculinity that members strive for.

Two external factors push most of the violence employed by the gang. The first is to establish territory. Once they hold an area, they have a stronghold from which they can secure extortion payments. The second use of violence lends towards protecting themselves from prosecution. They targets anyone they believe is cooperating with law enforcement.

By displaying a penchant for excessive violence and monopolizing on it, they can also exert social control. This extends to policing their own members and they've made rules against over extorting residents in their domain and have been known to enforce rules against violence outside of the gang's activities, such as domestic violence.

Violence binds the gang together, present in every stage of a member’s life. Novatos must commit violent acts to be considered for membership, commit murder for full access before being beaten in, a ritual that's left more than one member permanently scarred. Advancement requires commitment, "putting in the work," which is a euphemism for committing violent acts in the gang's name.

Members are Soldados, or soldiers, and their shared experiences in violence serves to solidify a sense of comradery and commitment. Most organizations leave hits to specialists or designated assassins. When on a mission, all members of the clicka are expected to participate, like ants swarming their victim. Refusal generally means death for members, if you aren't an accomplice, then you're an informant.

Public Agenda

The lead source of monetization for the Hormigas Soldados is through their extortion rackets. The leadership determines who is to be extorted, usually between 10%-40% of revenue. Payment is generally collected every week and the clickas hold meetings to discuss new venues to "tax" and who failed to pay (and what to do about it, if anything).

Following extortion is drug peddling. They may allow others to work in their areas, collecting a tax or control the local trade completely. They have yet to establish consistent lines of distribution, so in the case of the latter they still rely on third parties for supply.

Less prevalent are car theft and sale, prostitution, human trafficking, human smuggling, arms trafficking, and assassination for hire. These generally come as opportunities arise, though a lucrative source of business will capture their attention for the long term.


In the early 80's, the Hormigas Soldados formed originally as a means to band together and protect themselves from other gangs along the West Coast. They struggled to maintain a safe foothold until they allied with the Ciudad de la Muerte.

The influence of the Muertes rippled through the gang and by the mid-90s they'd expanded across the country, involving themselves in various criminal enterprises.

Currently, they are considered the most violent and dangerous gang in the country.

Marchamos al Infierno

Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
The Swarm
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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