
One of the highest-ranking officials within the Camarilla, Justicars are appointed by the Inner Circle, the ruling body of the Camarilla, to serve as both judges and enforcers. They have the authority to interpret and apply the laws of the Camarilla, investigate breaches, and hand down judgments, including severe punishments if necessary. Each of the major clans within the Camarilla usually has a Justicar who represents its interests and ensures the enforcement of the sect's laws and traditions.

A Justicar has wide-ranging powers and can command significant resources, including the assistance of lower-ranking officials known as Archons. They travel extensively to oversee the affairs of the Camarilla and ensure compliance with its rules. Being chosen as a Justicar is a great honor but also carries immense responsibility. They are expected to act with impartiality and integrity, putting the interests of the sect above all else. They are a symbol of the Camarilla's commitment to tradition, hierarchy, and governance, wielding significant authority and influence over the vampires under their jurisdiction.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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