Red Alastor

Red Alastor is a specific and feared title within the Camarilla. They are elite hunters appointed by the "Mad Justicar," and are tasked with tracking down and eliminating those deemed as serious threats to the sect. Their targets are often vampires who have betrayed the Camarilla or committed grievous crimes against it, especially those on the infamous "Red List." Being targeted by a Red Alastor is considered a grave and dire circumstance.

Red Alastors are chosen for their skill, determination, and loyalty to the Camarilla. They operate with significant autonomy and have access to resources to carry out their missions. The role is considered highly prestigious but also perilous, as it puts them in direct conflict with some of the most dangerous beings in the vampire world. If the Archons are the lawkeepers of Camarilla society, the Red Alastors are the secret police. The title carries both honor and danger, symbolizing the Camarilla's commitment to enforcing its laws and protecting its interests at all costs.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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