Ronan Babineaux

Ronan Belizaire Babineaux

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Ronan has a thick, bushy unibrow.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Might Change
Whatever It Is Today
Oh, You Gon' Call Me It


Too Old
Too Ugly


Any formal education is known to Ronan or buried in the files of whatever institution might have educated him. He displays no diplomas and makes no claims to knowledge.


Ronan owns and manages an antiques store. Nobody is sure if he ever sells anything, but he's been in business for as long as anyone can remember.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ronan manages to come off as an unassuming, doddering fool and most ignore him. To those who look closer, the man has a clever gleam in his eye and his words can carry an enigmatic sort of wisdom.

Morality & Philosophy

Ronan takes it as it comes. Let people live their lives and respect how they want to live it, cause it ain't hurtin' no one, then what's the use of gettin' all up in arms about it? As far as Ronan sees it, the folks who make the loudest noise about being aggrieved are the worst aggrievers. Ain't no secret to Ronan why the straight Christian white male be cryin' foul every time someone dares to be different.

Go on and be like that if you want... but not in front of Ronan.

Personality Characteristics


If Ronan has any ambitions beyond running his small shop and sharing odd tales about various inhabitants and locations in New Eindie, he ain't lettin' on.

Personality Quirks

When deep in thought, especially while frustrated or annoyed, he purses his lips and furrows his brow. The result brings his heavy unibrow closer to his mustache. With an accompanying tilt of his head downward, the expression is rather memorable.


Ronan keeps clean, but always has a pungent aroma to him, whether it's a liniment, some manner of oils and herbs, maybe patcouli?


Religious Views

If Conspiracy Theorism were a religion, Ronan's denomination would be "Local Phenomena."

Social Aptitude

Ronan is kind, if a bit gruff. He tends to favor those who get bullied often and his shop has served as an immediate refuge from bullying on more than one occasion. That said, he's also right on the line when it comes to being... off... it's hard for anyone to be truly comfortable around him, the feeling that something could go off the rails any moment follows him everywhere he goes.


Ronan has an accent that marks him as coming from southern Louisiana or Mississippi.

Louisiana (Presumed)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Gadang useless."
"Nah, I wun't..."
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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