The Accounting

The Fourth Tradition

Those thou create are thine own children.
Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things. Their sins are thine to endure.


Any penalty the childe's behavior earns, the sire faces in full. Older princes take this Tradition seriously, feeling that the accounting forces young Kindred to take the Embrace seriously and choose their progeny carefully.


Few Sires would argue that once their Childe is Released, they no longer are responsible for them and expect to get away with it. Indeed one of the favored attacks by Kindred is to smear their enemies by embarrassing them through the mishaps of less wise and experienced Progeny. Furthermore, this sense of accountability can extend to clans within a city and even coteries. No one wants to be in the same clan as that “fuck up” over there or in the same coterie as that “douche bag” over here. Clans and coteries therefore jump at the chance to take care of their own dirty laundry “in-house” if they can help it – quickly and quietly.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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