The Black Hand

The Black Hand is a secretive and elite organization within the Sabbat. Often referred to as a sect within a sect, the Black Hand serves as the Sabbat's covert military arm, specializing in espionage, assassination, and warfare. Membership in the Black Hand is highly selective, and its members are regarded as some of the most skilled and loyal vampires within the Sabbat. Those who are part of this organization have usually proven themselves through acts of bravery, skill, or devotion to the Sabbat's cause.

The Black Hand operates with a high degree of autonomy from the main Sabbat hierarchy, and its members often undertake missions that are kept secret from other members of the Sabbat. These missions typically align with the overall goals and ideology of the Sabbat, particularly in their opposition to the Camarilla and other threats. While much about the Black Hand remains shrouded in mystery, their influence and effectiveness within the Sabbat are well recognized. They are responsible for some of the most critical and dangerous missions, working behind the scenes to protect and advance the Sabbat's interests.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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