The Boas

Content Warning: This article details a fictional, but hyperviolent criminal organization.

The Boas are one of the largest and most violent street gangs in the country with an estimated 35,000 members. They are involved in murders, robberies and drug dealing, and other crimes. They have a long and bitter feud with the Leathernecks.


The Boas do not have any national hierarchy but instead a loose association of local “sets”. A formal structure is maintained in each set with a name and they vary across each other in regards to formal leaders or a hierarchy.

Each set is led by the most respected member. The next level consists of advisors, suppliers, ex-gang members involved in politics, and a network of informants. The chief enforcer coordinates warfare and security. Internal security is handled by a variety of regulators.

Area leaders run the streets, maintaining supplies for the partners in the set.


The Boas became popular throughout Los Angeles and more youth gangs joined until they outnumbered non-Boas by 3 to 1. As their notoriety spread, so did their disputes.

Their main rivals are the Leathernecks, who originally formed to provide protection from the various Boa sets. The fights between them account for most gang-related murders in California.

Other practices include grafitti and specialized slang.


The Boas were founded by Stewart Ray and William Lee who united their respective sets in order to combat the various other gangs popping up around them. By the 80s there were over 50 sets in Los Angeles, all heavily involved in the production of PCP, marijuana, and amphetamines. Stewart Ray was arrested on murder charges in 1981 and William Lee was gunned down the next year.

With the core leadership dismantled the various sets fell to infighting. Despite a lack of unity within the group, the crack/cocaine epidemic led to expansive growth and membership grew steadily across the country. By the year 2000, there were at least 600 sets and more than 30,000 members distributed across the country.

Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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