The Destruction

The Sixth Tradition

Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind.
The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder.
Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.


According to the oldest know readings of this tradition, the Sixth grants a sire the right to destroy and and all of his progeny. Under the Camarilla, that right has been given to the Prince, who now holds the right of life and death over all of his subjects. He can not exercise that right too cavalierly, lest he risk a coup to deprive him of this power, but through the office of the blood hunt, a prince can sentence any Kindred in his domain to death.


Only the Prince has the right to kill another Kindred in his Domain. That is an application of the Second Tradition affecting the Sixth that is widely held as precedent. However, elders and councilors will often times get rid of their own clan troublemakers before they become too embarrassing politically. This is a risky position if the elder is a rival of the Prince because often Princes are keen to use these unsanctioned murders as a means by which to dispatch enemies if they are discovered. It is generally interpreted that the Prince be considered the one who is the “Eldest” when it comes to calling Lextalionis or the Blood Hunt. When a Blood Hunt is called, few Kindred snub the Prince by not participating as the reward for catching the subject of the Blood Hunt can involve Diablerie. That is a potential reward that is too good to pass up.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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