The Hospitality

The Fifth Tradition

Honor one another's domain.
When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there.
Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.


It is simply a mandate for all strangers entering a city to present themselves to the Prince. The presentation can take many forms, from a simple greeting to a recitation of one's lineage to a demand for service while in the city.

By accepting a vampire who presents themselves, a prince grants that Kindred to stay, dwell, and hunt within his city. By presenting himself, the vampire acknowledges the prince's authority and ensures that he isn't immediately brought down by a scourge who doesn't know him on sight.


Believe it or not, this is a happily enforced Tradition, especially among neonates who are eager for any and all opportunities to strengthen their Blood through Diablerie. Many interpret non-acceptance or failure to present oneself as an indicator that the absentee Kindred is not under the protection of the Traditions. To destroy an unaccepted “catch” in the Domain often comes with its own reward. So for this reason, most Kindred traveling to a Camarilla city are quick to ask permission ahead of time to enter the Domain or they remain in hiding until permission has been granted or an audience accepted. However, now in the age of mass communications, some more forward thinking Princes might accept texts and such to one of his brood’s smart phones until a proper audience can be held. It really varies widely from city to city.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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