The Masquerade

The First Tradition

  Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood.
Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.


Violations of this Tradition are usually punishable by death, if not worse. Every Camarilla vampire is supposed to be on watch for violations of the Masquerade, and to stop any breach he or she might come across. Failure to halt a violation of the Masquerade, or to report such to the appropriate authorities, is almost as bad as breaking the Tradition itself.


Sheriffs and their deputies constantly scan the Rack and barrens for even the slightest errors in upholding the Tradition.


This is a basic tenet of the Camarilla. It holds that a vampire should never reveal his true nature to mortal society. Breaches in the Masquerade result in swift and harsh justice. A Prince by right can kill a Kindred for breaching it.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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