The Progeny

The Third Tradition

Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine Elder.
If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.


In the Camarilla, the right to create childer is one of the most fiercely sought after boons a prince can offer. So long as he controls the right to bring mortals into the blood, the prince has a never-ending stream of Kindred currying for his favor. The dispensation to create is one of the most powerful tools a prince has in his arsenal for buying the loyalty of his or her subjects.


This Tradition is very strictly controlled by most Princes. This is because population control makes sense as a measure to uphold the Masquerade. Even few Anarchs argue the logic of keeping the numbers of Kindred in check. Some Princes have been known to extend the right to apply even to Ghouls, forcing Kindred to ask permission to take on another servant. This is extreme, but in some cases necessary among neonates who are eager to overextend themselves without thinking about the practical issues with regard to managing multiple servitors and thralls. In a world of finite resources and infinite lifespans, Kindred are quick to point out any offenders and have them meet their Final Deaths – especially if by chance that meant that they had an opportunity to commit Diablerie.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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