
A vital and unique ritual within the Sabbat, the Vaulderie creatres deep communal bonds between members of a Sabbat pack, strengthening their unity and loyalty to each other. During the Vaulderie, members of a pack gather together, and each participant contributes some of their own vampiric blood to a shared chalice. The blood is then mixed and consumed by all members of the pack. The act of sharing blood in this way creates what is known as a "blood bond," a supernatural connection that fosters deep loyalty and emotional ties among the pack members.

The Vaulderie is seen as a way to break down individualism and personal ambition within the pack, creating a shared sense of purpose and identity. It also serves to break any other existing blood bonds, ensuring that the pack members' primary allegiance is to each other and the Sabbat as a whole. It's a central aspect of Sabbat culture, reflecting their focus on unity and rejection of individualism.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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