
During the rare occasions when the Camarilla must mobilize for larger scale war, a Warlord is appointed from amongst the ranks of the Justicars, Archons, or Alastors. As the appointed battle marshal, all members of the Camarilla are expected to defer to the warlord (a requirement that has vexed many a Prince or Justicar). The role of the Warlord is to organize, lead, and coordinate military efforts on behalf of the Camarilla, particularly in times of conflict with rival factions such as the Sabbat or Anarch Movement. This can include planning tactical operations, overseeing troops, and ensuring that the Camarilla's interests are protected in the face of aggression.

While the position carries significant authority, it is often situational, and a Dux Bellorum might be appointed to handle specific conflicts or threats rather than serving as a permanent standing title. The role underscores the Camarilla's need to protect and defend its territories and interests.

Alternative Naming
Dux Bellorum

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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