
With a few calls to the right people, the character can obtain help of the less-than-reputable kind. A Routine Streetwise check enables the character to call on the skills of a criminal specialist in one area, such as safecracker, cat burglar, art forger, etc. The specialist arrives within D6(3) days and works on a single job. If the services are needed in a rush, the time can be shortened to D6(3) hours by making the check at Standard Difficulty. Less skilled accomplices who can hold guns or look menacing require no roll. Five unskilled thugs arrive in D6(3) hours and work for one day. Asking these “gentlemen” to arrive within an hour requires a Routine Streetwise check. Criminals are open to bribes, and offering D10(5) x $1,000 for the specialist or D10(5) x $100 for the thugs improves the difficulty by one step. Doubling this bribe eases the difficulty by two steps, and quadrupling it eases it by three steps. Each accomplice who has been caught or killed in the last month results in the difficulty increasing by one step for any subsequent roll. Keeping the specialist for an additional job or the thugs for an additional day requires an additional check, rolled at the end of the first job (specialist) or day (thug). Each additional job/day requires another roll, with a cumulative One Step Difficult increases. For example, at the end of the second job, a two step penalty is applied to keep the specialist on for a third job.


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