
In the course of their missions, characters are sometimes called upon to perform actions of questionable legality. A few of these operatives have the misfortune of getting caught. Being able to call upon a good attorney is key to minimizing the repercussions of these breaches of law. With access to top-notch lawyers, judges sympathetic to the “needs” of the group, or the right amount of bribes and blackmail, getting through these tough times becomes easier. A Routine Admin/Legal check supplies the character with a good lawyer for any matter that does not involve significant threats to the security of the secret organization. For more serious cases, the check is made at Standard Difficulty. If the character has really “screwed the pooch,” the check is made at Formidable Difficulty to additionally get the case assigned to a “friendly” judge and dismissed for one or more technical reasons in D6 x 2(6) months. In the meantime, the character is advised to tread cautiously. Any organization is very reluctant to use its judicial resources in this manner. It is left up to the Referee's discretion as to the availability of federal judges even if the check is made. If the “friendly” judge is used, it is likely the organization will be unable to use this ability again for some time, and as a consequence, the character’s effective Influence is reduced by one permanently.


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