Chemical Stores

Either by working in a hospital or pharmacy or by having a contact in one of those places, the character can obtain medications with few questions asked. Any over-the-counter drug may be secured without a roll. For harder-to-access supplies, a Persuasion check must be made, any prescription drug requires a Routine Difficulty check, a Standard Difficulty check obtains any illegal drug that has medical uses, and a Formidable Check is required for any other illegal drug. Psi drugs cannot be obtained. One vial of the drug is secured (or some volume about that size). If more than a single vial is needed, a one step difficulty increase is applied for each additional vial requested. Drugs are available in D6 x 3(9) hours, or D6(3) hours at a one step difficulty increase. If this Pulling String is used more than once a month, each additional use suffers a one step difficulty increase.


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