
Attribute: Empathy
A psionic can lower the temperature of an object or life form by causing en tropic heat-exchange processes to accelerate. The effects are not immediate, but progress through stages, each stage of success taking five seconds (one combat phase), beginning on the phase after the Cryokinesis skill roll is made. Thus, it takes six phases (30 seconds) to reach Stage Six and kill someone. Concentration has to be maintained during the process-if the psionic suffers a Slight wound during the process, he has to pass an Routine: Willpower test to continue. If he suffers a Serious wound, the Willpower check to continue is Standard. A Critical wound automatically makes the psionic stop the process. Furthermore, the target must be kept in range and in sight the entire time, or the process stop. By maintaining concentration, a psionic may prolong whatever stage is achieved, thereby causing the target to suffer repeated damage, for ' instance.
  If a Cryokinesis procedure is interrupted or stopped, ittakes five minutes for a warm-blooded target to recover from one stage of Cryokinesis cooling. For instance, a target that has progressed through three stages of Cryokinesis would take 15 minutes to warm up again.
  The range is equal to the psionic's power level in meters. The stages of Cryokinesis are as follows:
  Basic Success allows basic chilling of objects and people; you can make a hot drink cold and give living creatures chills.
  Stage Two success allows hard freezing of up to 20 liters of liquid, or severe cooling of living creatures, making them shiver uncontrollably. This reduces a creature's movement rate by half, and adds one level of difficulty to all physical tasks.
  Stage Three success allows the solid freezing of 60 liters of liquid, or further freezing of creatures (which lose 75% of their movement and have one level of difficulty added to all physical tasks). Hypothermia sets in. Stage Four success will freeze up to 120 liters of liquid, and living creatures will fall unconscious, beset by hypothermia, unless passing an Standard vs. Constitution test. Those who fail must pass an Easy vs. Constitution test or fall into a coma. Those who succeed have their movement penalized by 90% loss and have two levels of difficulty added to all physical tasks.
  Stage Five success allows the freezing of 240 liters of liquid, or inflicts automatic 1-point damage wounds to every hit location each round in the form of frostbite. Heavy clothing and other heating gear won't stop this, or even help it. Creatures affected must still make Constitution rolls, as in Stage Four.
  Stage Six success freezes up to 440 liters of liquid, or causes the death of any living creature unless it's naturally frozen anyway. Death is not instantaneous; the victim slowly lapses into a coma and dies within five minutes unless emergency medical attention is given between the time the coma begins and death arrives.
  Anyone with the Pyrokinesis skill can combat the effects of Cryokinesis. by achieving an equivalent stage of Pyrokinesis success, matching the effects of the Cryokinesis.     *Psionic


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