Cyborg Escapee

A Mysterious Fusion of Human and Machine

The cyborg escapee is an individual who finds themselves in a bewildering situation, having undergone a transformative experience that merges their body with advanced mechanical enhancements. Their journey begins with a period of disorientation and pain, followed by an abrupt awakening in an unfamiliar world. Fleeing from unknown pursuers, the cyborg escapee embarks on a desperate quest for survival, plagued by fragmented memories and an urgent need to evade capture.
Prerequisites: None

All Terms:

Each term, choose three items from the following list:
(Cybernetics) Synthetic Muscle FIbers: STR +2
(Cybernetics) Reinforced Skeletal Structure: CON +2
(Cybernetics) Nervous system Overclocking: AGL +2
(Cybernetics) Expanded Neural Database: EDU +2
(Cybernetics) Neural Processor Expansion: INT +2
(Cybernetics) Integral Body Armor (One hit location per pick), Grants AV 1 to that location
(Cybernetics) Socket Hand, either right or left, comes with mechanical hand that functions just like original hand
(Cybernetics) Wetware, Hardware Interface (May only be taken once), Computer related task take ΒΌ the normal time
Computer Operation 4
Unarmed Martial Arts 4
Contacts: None
Influence Type: None
Resource Points: None
Special: Agl, Str and Con may rise above 10 with these enhancements. For each term completed add +1 to Initiative as well, to a maximum of 7. No secondary activities allowed. Each term subtract 1 from either Psi or Cha. If this makes and skills governed by these attributes higher than the attribute, those skills must be reduced.
  There may be other unpleasant consequences than the ones mentioned here.  

Impact and Importance:

  The story of the cyborg escapee explores themes of identity, self-discovery, and the blurred boundaries between humanity and technology. It delves into the psychological and emotional turmoil faced by an individual thrust into a world of uncertainty, hunted by unknown forces. The narrative invites reflection on the ethics of human augmentation, the consequences of unchecked scientific advancements, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
  Through their journey, the cyborg escapee represents a symbol of resilience, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of freedom. Their story captivates the imagination, resonating with audiences who contemplate the nature of human existence, the complexities of memory, and the consequences of tampering with the boundaries of what it means to be human.

Key Elements:

  • Memory Loss and Mystery: The cyborg escapee awakens with fragmented memories and a significant gap in their recollection of the past. They are haunted by the unknown circumstances that led to their transformation and struggle to piece together the events that transpired during the missing years.
  • Mechanical Enhancements: The cyborg escapee discovers that their body has been augmented with advanced mechanical components, blurring the line between human and machine. These enhancements grant them extraordinary abilities such as enhanced strength, agility, or sensory capabilities. However, the full extent and purpose of these modifications remain shrouded in uncertainty.
  • Constant Pursuit: The cyborg escapee is relentlessly pursued by unidentified individuals or organizations that are determined to recapture or eliminate them. These pursuers pose a constant threat, driving the escapee to remain constantly vigilant, adapt quickly, and stay one step ahead to preserve their freedom and unearth the truth behind their transformation.
  • Self-Discovery and Identity: As the cyborg escapee navigates their new reality, they grapple with questions of identity, purpose, and humanity. They embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking answers to why their body was mechanically enhanced and their connection to the mysterious pursuers. The search for their true identity becomes intertwined with their fight for survival.
  • Resourcefulness and Adaptability: The cyborg escapee learns to harness their unique blend of human and mechanical capabilities to their advantage. They develop resourcefulness, adaptability, and a keen sense of survival, utilizing their enhanced physical abilities and leveraging technology to outmaneuver their pursuers and overcome obstacles.
  • Liminal Existence: The cyborg escapee occupies a liminal space between the human and technological realms, grappling with the implications and consequences of their transformation. They navigate a complex web of intrigue, ethical dilemmas, and existential questions as they strive to reclaim agency over their own destiny.


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