Empathy Success

One additional rule applies to the use of Empathic skills, to reflect the varying effects these skills can have under different conditions. When a character makes a task attempt with an Empathic skill, if the attempt is successful, 1010 is rolled to help determine the exact power level of the success. This power level is equal to the Empathic  skill rating, plus the number rolled on the D10, minus the Willpower rating and INT of the target (assuming the target has at least 1 level in Willpower, otherwise no subtraction is made). In the event of an outstanding success being rolled on the ID20, the final result is doubled. If the target's Willpower + INT reduces the power level to 0 or less, then the skill attempt fails.
  Power level is used in two different ways. Sometimes it is translated point for point , into a unit of measure, such as range of effect in meters, or number of kilograms affected, etc. At other times, it is used to determine stages of effect, with each nine full points equaling one additional stage beyond basic success, and each extra stage indicating another creature detected, or another sense appealed to, etc. The exact effects depend, of course, upon the specific skill being used, as explained in the individual skill descriptions.


  As a general rule, Empathic  skill attempts are Simplistic when done under very relaxed conditions, such as in a safe and peaceful environment, and with willing subjects. In normal conditions, however, they become Routine in difficulty, due to general distractions and normal resistance. In a stressful condition, such as during combat, they become Standard (at least). The referee, of course, has the final word in determining which conditions apply to any specific empathic skill use.  


Power Level Stage
1-9 Basic Success
10-17 Stage Two
18-27 Stage Three
28-36 Stage Four
37-45 Stage Five
46 or more Stage Six
Power Level = Empaths'EMP attribute + Skill level+1D10 -( Target's Willpower + INT)


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