Experience Point Award List

Being There: All Characters who participated in the game session receive one point.
  Good Roleplaying: One point per instance. 
  Advancing the Storyline While Remaining in Character: One to three points. This rewards players whose roleplaying, planning, and Characters actions helped develop the story.
  Heroic Roleplaying: One to three points. Given to players whose Character remained true to themselves even when it meant they would suffer for it. The heroic type who risks his life for others, and even the coward who runs or surrenders when the wise course would be to fight, are good examples of this.
  Ingenuity Award: One to three points. Given to players who used impressive and unexpected tactics and problem-solving to deal with a plot device. This, however, applies only if the devious plan or tactics were true to the Character (not the player). If the village idiot suddenly starts having spurts of Machiavellian brilliance for no good reason, no award should be given.


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