Front Page News

A connection with a journalist grants the ability to push news stories to the forefront, and conversely to help bury stories in the paper. The story must be somewhat factual, otherwise the journalist runs the risk of losing his reputation or job. That does not mean, however, that the story can’t be altered slightly to “correct” certain misstatements or “refocus” the piece. Pushing a newsworthy item (but not necessarily a true story) even further into the spotlight requires no roll. A Routine Persuasion check is required to push a marginally newsworthy item. A Standard Persuasion check is required to push a remotely believable story to front-page news, and Formidable Persuasion check is required to push an unbelievable or apparently impossible story to the forefront. In order to bury a story, reverse the difficulty checks, with burying a newsworthy story being a Standard Persuasion check and burying an impossible and unbelievable story needing no roll. If the story is not factual or at least does not have the major points covered with “facts,” it can come back to haunt the character.


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