
The character can gain access to money from his Profession. This money can be used for a variety of purposes, ranging from bribes to lodging to new equipment. Money is siphoned through a Admin/Legal check. A character with Funding 1 gains $1,000 with no roll once a month. A Standard Difficulty check gains a character ten times that amount per month. If the character desires a different amount, each $1,000 above or below $10,000 increases the difficulty by step or eases the difficulty by one step. If desired, the character can attempt to cover his paper trail better by Making the check at Moderate Difficulty. This will impose a one step increase in difficulty to any check that is attempted to trace the character’s financial maneuvering. For each level of Funding Pulling String, $1,000 is added to the “no roll” amount, $10,000 to the base unmodified check amount, and $1,000 to each increment of modifier. Thus, someone with Funding 3 gains $3,000 without a roll or $30,000 with a successful unmodified roll. Each increase or decrease to the difficulty check applied increases or decreases the $30,000 amount by $3,000. The following table summarizes.  
Funding Level Base Amount Difficulty (Ease/Increase)
1 $10,000 $1,000
2 $20,000 $2,000
3 $30,000 $3,000
4 $40,000 $4,000
  On a Critical Failure on the check, someone noticed the financial shenanigans, and that may lead to an investigation. Note that Funding is different from the Resources Quality. Funding is used purely for missions or investigations — professional use. Resources are the agent’s private funds for personal or conspiratorial use.


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