Groom Dry Lake Research Facility - The Ranch

The Ranch was established as an Aegis base of operations in 1952 on the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range in Nevada. Over the years, The Conspiracy has diverted military and other funds into the Ranch to maintain its status as the best operation headquarters technologically possible. A number of different cells operate at the base, in a variety of different areas. A few of these personnel know about some of the others; many are unaware of any other part of the conspiracy. This increases security and keeps operatives on their toes.
  Groom Lake operates as a standard military base. Soldiers, scientists, technicians, and politicians with the proper clearances have access to the regular operations and specially staged portions of the base. On the other hand, plenty of room is available at the sprawling complex for isolated laboratories, test facilities, shooting ranges, and electronically locked offices. These are where The Conspiracies operatives perform their duties.
  Professions at the Ranch focus almost exclusively on the alien threat. The pilots who test-fly alien aircraft are almost always part of The Conspiracy, as it is very difficult to hide alien technology in a spacecraft. Scientists and researchers at the Ranch become part of Aegis cells if their work is valuable and sensitive enough. Both serve crucial roles in expanding The Conspiracies knowledge of alien technology and physiology.
Alternative Names
Area 51


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