Hidden Cures

The CDC has discovered several effective treatment protocols for the most dangerous biohazard agents. These cures are kept in special vaults deep inside USAMRIID . A character with this Pulling String may attempt to get his hands on one of these cures. A Routine Admin/Legal check secures one vial, and there is no chance of getting another for three months regardless of success or failure. Failure results in an investigation by the CDC and possibly anti-terrorism agencies. The cures are panimmunity factors – they work on the most dangerous biohazards, but are hideously difficult to manufacture without major lab work and months of development time. A single dose stops the progress of any illness unless the patient rolls a 1 on a D10. A single vial of the panimmunity factor would be worth a fortune, and if it became public that the character or his friends possessed it, any number of groups would come hunting for them very quickly. No one could allow a story like this to break, and any attempt to tell the press would lead to a firestorm of intrigue and strike teams from friend and foe alike.


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