Hit Capacity

Hit capacity is a measure of the amount of damage (hit points) a character can take before suffering serious injury. Hit points can be suffered in any of seven different parts of the body: left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm, head, abdomen, and chest.
  • The hit capacity of the head is equal to the Constitution.
  • The hit capacity of the character's chest is equal to the sum the character's Strength and twice the Constitution (STR+(CONx2)).
  • Each of the other body parts has a hit capacity equal to the sum of the character's Strength and Constitution-{STR+CON).

Wound Levels

Scratch: Up to half the hit point Capacity
Slight: More than half of the hit point Capacity up to equal to its hit capacity.
Serious: More damage than its hit capacity, but less than or equal to twice its capacity.
Critical: Damage in excess of twice its hit capacity.


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