Human Empathy

Attribute: Empathy
Human Empathy is similar to Animal Empathy, except that it allows a character to perceive the mental and emotional state of other humans, rather than animals. The exact amount of information gained depends upon the quality of the empathic character's die roll.
  Basic success reveals the presence and basic emotional state of one person within a sphere centered on the sensing character and with a radius, in meters, equal to the character's final power level.
  Each additional stage of success allows the empathic character to improve that information in one of several ways: (1) the radius of the sphere can be doubled; (2) an additional person can be sensed; (3) the level of mental activity can be increased, proceeding from emotional state, to surface thoughts, to deeper thoughts.
  For instance, an empathic character who made a Stage Three success might choose to monitor three people's emotional state within the basic radius, or one person's surface thoughts within double the basic radius, or any of several other combinations.
  Note that the referee may impose additional levels of difficulty based upon specific situations.


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