
Attribute: Agility
The Intrusion skill enables a character to manipulate mechanical and electronic locks. To open simple mechanical locks (like those on a briefcase, desk, or normal door) and to hot-wire a vehicle are Average tasks. To pick deadbolts or key locks on handcuffs and jail cells is a Moderate Difficulty Check. Opening combination and key locks on padlocks, strongboxes, and safes is a Hard Difficulty Check. All of these assume the use of proper lockpicks; they become one level more difficult if tools have to be improvised. Locks on vaults and high-security facili- ties always require special tools and are always a Hard Difficulty Check.
  Defeating electronic devices comparable to each of the mechanical classes above is one level higher, and also requires a specialized set of electronic intrusion tools, or the difficulty is increased a further level. In some cases, the referee may allow Electronics skill to serve as an enabling skill.
  This skill also allows the use of small amounts of explosives to blow open safes, bank vaults, and even walls between adjoining buildings. It does not, however, grant skill in the demolitions of bridges, buildings, etc.


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