Mental Attack

Attribute: Empathy
The most powerful attack of a psionic, this power allows the psionic to reach into a creature's mind and cause it to malfunction. The range of the attack is equal to the psionics' final power level, and as usual it requires a Willpower test at the situation-appropriate difficulty level. Furthermore, in order to make a Mental Attack, the psionic must first obtain a telepathic link with the target.
  The difficulty level of the Mental Attack depends on the type of creature and the workings of its brain. Attacking a terrestrial animal, or something made from a terrestrial animal, is Simplistic. Attacking a human or a terrestrial insect is Routine (the complexity of the human mind and the utter simplicity of the insect mind make them equally tough). Attacking an extraterrestrial creature/physical dark Entity is Standard. Attacking a noncorporeal "spirit," such as a poltergeist or a bleak, is Formidable. Attacking a Powerful Dark Entity, or an ET biocomputer, is Impossible.
  Should the attack succeed, the target receives 1 point of damage to the head (doubled on NPCs, as usual) and is stunned, writhing with the ultimate headache, unable to do anything for one combat phase, per stage of success.
  If the psionic rolls a Catastrophic Failure, the attack fails, the psionic suffers 1 point of damage to the head, and is stunned for one combat phase.     *Psionic


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