The Microwave Hypnotic Intracerebral Control–Electronic Dissolution of Memory (MHIC-EDOM) has two functions producing different but complementary effects. The first function, Microwave Hypnotic Intracerebral Control, uses carefully controlled microwave emissions to invoke a desired mental state in the subject. The MHIC-EDOM operator must be within 30 yards of the target and must pass a Routine Electronics (Edu) check resisted by the target’s taking a Standard Difficulty Willpower (Int) check. Each attempt takes a few seconds (two Turns), during which only extremely sensitive individuals notice anything out of the ordinary (passing a Hard Difficultly Observation (Int) check results in a ringing in the subject’s ears and a slight headache). Once the operator succeeds, he may immediately elicit the desired mental state in the subject.
  The following effects are possible:
  Fear: The subject is immediately forced to relive his most terrifying nightmare for D10 Turns, during which time he runs directly away from the operator or, if unable to do so, curls up into a fetal position and cowers.
  Homicidal Rage: The subject immediately lashes out and attacks the nearest person, friend or foe. The effect lasts for D10 Turns, during which the subject does his best to destroy anyone near him.
  Trance: The subject immediately lapses into a trancelike stupor. He takes no notice of his surroundings and stands (or sits) staring blankly ahead. The trance lasts for D10(5) minutes, during which the subject may be hypnotized as if he were a willing participant. Any physical damage or pain snaps the subject out of the trance.
  The second function of the MHIC-EDOM uses a modulated burst of microwaves combined with a controlled electric shock to temporarily disable the subject’s short-term memory. The MHIC-EDOM operator must be within 10 yards for the electrical charge to arc properly. The operator must then pass a Routine Electronics (Edu) check, resisted with a Standard Difficulty Willpower (Int) check. If successful, the subject is immediately dazed for D10 Turns. The subject’s short-term memory is effectively erased for a one-hour prior to the device’s use. Aside from the initial stun effects, the subject’s mental faculties are not impaired; he is still be able to act as he would normally for that time, but he does not remember anything that happened during that hour.


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