Military Ranks

Characters who spend more than one term in a military career may receive promotions to higher ranks than those they begin at. To determine if a character is promoted, make an Routine: Intelligence test. Graduates of a military academy subtract I from their roll. Characters who change branches of service add 2 to the roll that term.
  Success means that the character is promoted to the next higher grade (see the US Enlisted and NCO Ranks and US Commissioned Officer Ranks Tables below). For simplicity's sake, the various grades of private have been ignored, as have the specialist ranks, which are currently being phased out. Also, due to realistic space constraints, only US ranks are listed. Players will need to research the actual names of the ranks of other armed forces if their use is desired.  


A character who completes one or more full terms of active duty with the armed forces may leave the armed forces and enter the reserve component. Characters may also enter the reserves through ROTC. While in the reserves, the character may be active or inactive, at the player's option. This decision is made separately each career term.
An inactive reservist retains his previous rank but does not roll for promotions and does not receive any additional skills.
  A character who is an active reservist counts this as his second activity for his main career for the term. He rolls for promotion normally and receives one skill level from the list of subsequent term skills for his military career (or from the Army, regular forces. officer career, if the reserves are entered directly from ROTC).  

US Enlisted and NCO Ranks

Army Marines Navy Air Force
Private Private Seaman Airman
Corporal Lance Corporal Gunner's Mate Senior Airman
Sergeant Sergeant Bo'sun Sergeant
Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Petty Officer 2nd Class Staff Sergeant
Sergeant 1st Class Gunnery Sergeant Petty Officer 1st Class Technical Sergeant
Master Sergeant Master Sergeant Chief Petty Officer Master Sergeant
Sergeant Major Sergeant Major Senior Chief Petty Officer First Sergeant

US Commissioned Officer Ranks

Navy Others
Ensign 2nd Lieutenant
Lt. Junior Grade 1st Lieutenant
Lieutenant Captain
Lt. Commander Major
Commander Lt. Colonel
Captain Colonel
Admiral General


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