Pool Data

Some “magical institutions” keep records on the locations of Pools and Loci, and even what causes them to become agitated and when. Data can be accessed with a Routine Carousing check; apply a three step difficulty penalty for information on a Locus. To learn when the location is agitated requires a follow-up Standard Persuasion Check. If the check is successful, the source also provides a time when the area will not be in use in the next 24 hours. If the character calling on this Pulling String is willing to do a favor for the group giving the information, the rolls gains a single step bonus and the character is able to choose a time during which he will be granted exclusive access to the location. As only a certain number of magical institutions exist throughout the world, trying to find and contact one outside the character’s base of operations is much harder (all Tasks suffer a single step penalty). Some Pools and Loci are shared or used by other groups. In this case, even if one group tells the location and plans not to be there so the character’s group can use it, this does not mean other group(s) are as understanding. The Referee should adjudicate such situations.


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