Press Credentials

Press passes are available for many invite-only affairs. The difficulty of getting into the event depends upon how much attention the event is seeking. An event with great public exposure requires no roll (political party conventions, ribbon-cutting ceremonies). An event that has some celebrities and big-name attendees and/or seeks public exposure requires a Routine Carousing or a Standard Persuasion check (movie premiere, candidate fundraiser, auto show). A single difficulty step penalty is imposed on the roll for an event with many celebrities and big-name attendees that wants coverage but does not want the media crawling all over (major candidate fundraiser, high-exposure sports event). An event that is publicly known but considered private would impose a two step penalty (presidential party, House of Representatives caucus). All events that are unknown to the general public or that have closed attendance lists would impose a three step penalty (private celebrities or politician’s party, Super Bowl). A single step penalty is imposed per additional pass sought.


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