Project Starguard

Project Starguard emerged as a covert government agency following the scrutiny and "sanitization" of findings from Project Bluebook, a publicly known investigation into UFO sightings. Recognizing the need for a specialized and classified organization to handle extraterrestrial phenomena, the government secretly established Project Starguard in the late 1970s.    

Division 1: Aerospace Recovery Division (ARD)

  ARD operates as the overt division of Project Starguard, tasked with the retrieval and analysis of crashed foreign spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. The division works in collaboration with the United States Air Force and NASA, leveraging their expertise and resources in aerospace technology. ARD's operations focus on recovering and reverse-engineering advanced technologies while ensuring the protection of national security interests.  

Division 2: Extraterrestrial Investigations and Retrieval Division (EIRD)

  EIRD is the unofficial and classified division of Project Starguard, responsible for covert insertions, investigations, and retrieval of downed extraterrestrial crafts. This division handles cases involving direct encounters with extraterrestrial beings and engages in research to understand their technology, intentions, and potential threats. Additionally, EIRD is entrusted with space-oriented search and rescue operations, along with investigating and retrieving extraterrestrial objects discovered in Earth's orbit.  

Recruitment and Personnel:

  Project Starguard recruits personnel from various backgrounds, including the United States Air Force, NASA, and talented individuals from the civilian sector. Recruitment criteria prioritize individuals with expertise in aerospace engineering, astrophysics, cryptology, combat training, and field operations. Rigorous vetting procedures ensure recruits possess the necessary skills, security clearance, and dedication to handle the complexities of extraterrestrial encounters.  


  The main facility of Project Starguard is located several miles from the well-known Groom Lake Facility on the Nellis Range, allowing for convenient collaboration with the military and aerospace agencies. Situated within a remote and secure complex, the facility features advanced laboratories, research facilities, communication centers, training areas, and specialized hangars to accommodate recovered spacecraft.  

Secrecy and National Security:

  Project Starguard operates under utmost secrecy to protect national security interests and prevent public panic. Limited information is disclosed to selected government officials and authorized personnel, with stringent security measures in place to safeguard classified data and operations. The agency works closely with other covert organizations and intelligence agencies to share relevant information and coordinate efforts related to extraterrestrial encounters.  

Continued Exploration:

  Project Starguard remains at the forefront of clandestine investigations, research, and technology related to extraterrestrial phenomena. Their dual division structure ensures a multi-faceted approach to handling encounters and advancing scientific knowledge while safeguarding humanity's interests in a universe that is both vast and mysterious.
Conspiracy, Secret


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