
When CDC discovers an outbreak or potential outbreak of an infectious disease, it may send a team of doctors to quarantine the affected party or area for diagnosis and treatment. Local and state law-enforcement agencies and the National Guard enforce this quarantine, if necessary. The quarantine may last anywhere from 24 hours to a full week, dependent on the severity and lethality of the outbreak. Quarantining an individual or family requires no roll. A Routine Admin/Legal Check quarantines an apartment, office building, or complex. Cordoning off a small town or neighborhood imposes a single step penalty to the Task. A large town quarantine suffers a two step difficulty penalty; an entire city, a three step penalty. Any major cities would be impossible to quarantine absent Presidential authority and a national emergency. Imposing quarantine, particularly of a large area, is by no means a low-profile endeavor. Operatives using a quarantine to help cover up activities should be prepared for the inevitable media interest and publicity, as well as official inquiries by other government agencies.


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