Rate of Fire

Each shot in the game represents a single bullet. It is, however, possible to fire more than a single bullet from most weapons in a five-second action phase. All weapons in the game have either a reload rating (Rid) or a rate of fire (ROF) rating.
  Weapons with a reload rating hold only one round in the weapon at a time, and once that round has been fired (one action), a number of action phases must be spent reloading before the weapon can be fired again. The reload rating defines how many reload actions are required. If the weapon is listed as having more than one loader as part of its crew, each loader must spend the indicated number of actions reloading. For each loader missing from the crew, add 1 to the reload rating for all other crewmembers.
    Weapons with a rate of fire listing have either a letter code or a number. These nota- tions are explained below:
  • SS (Single Shot): This weapon can only fire one round and then must be reloaded.
  • BA (Bolt Action), LA (Lever Action): These weapons can fire one round per phase. Each time a round is fired from one of these weapons, the bolt or lever must be worked to eject the spent casing and chamber a new round. But this can be done in the same phase in which the weapon is fired.
  • PA (Pump Action), DAR (Double Action Revolver): These weapons may fire up to three rounds per phase. Pump action refers to shotguns, and involves working a lever between shots to eject the spent cartridge and chamber a fresh one. A double action revolver cocks its hammer with the first part of the trigger pull, then fires with the second. This makes the trigger pull somewhat harder than in a semiautomatic pistol.
  • SA (Semiautomatic): Semiautomatic weapons may fire up to five shots per action phase. Each squeeze of the trigger fires one round, and the force of its firing automatically recocks the weapon.
  • Automatic Fire: Weapons with a number instead of a letter code are capable of fully automatic fire as well as semiautomatic fire. The number shown is the number of bullets in a typical burst from the weapon. Each automatic weapon can fire up to either five individual shots or five bursts per fire phase. As a practical matter, however, no character may fire at more than three different targets in the same fire phase.


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