Recruitment Event

At the end of character creation, that character's player then chooses a specific, single event that lead to the that character's recruitment by the conspiracy, and applies the effects of that option. By choosing a recruitment option, players decide how their characters have become involved in the struggle against the Dark, and what special bonuses their characters will begin the game with as a result.
    General Bonus: All characters except those with a 0 EMP gain a bonus of +1 EMP upon recruitment. This represents the effects of the psychic shock they feel upon discovering the invasion of the Dark, a sort of horrifying "awakening." Characters with a 0 EMP gain a +2 to their Willpower rating, instead.
  Agent: Characters who take the agent option member were recruited by The Conspiracy at the recommendation of an existing agent. The benefit of this recruitment method is 3 RP at character creation.
  Empathy: Characters who take the Empathy option for mustering out have had a sudden, unexpected insight into their empathic nature. As a result, they immediately gain a bonus of +1 to each Empathy skill listed on the character sheet. As an unpleasant side effect of this enhanced empathic awareness, they also become aware of the Dark. The questions and activity of the character following this awaking brought them to The Conspiracies attention, recruitment followed shortly after.
  Encounter: Characters who take this recruitment option have had some sort of minor, but horrifying, face-to-face experience with something unnatural. Exactly what the encounter was should be decided by the player and referee together. The game benefit of the encounter is an immediate +1 boost to the character's Initiative (after the shock of such an encounter, nonnal combat somehow seems less daunting). However, Initiative may not exceed 6.


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