Report: Operation Lake's Whisper

Handler: Moon Presence
Date: August 26th, 2023
Location: Erath, LA
Operation: Operation Lake's Whisper

Brief Overview:

The operation was initiated based on a report from a friendly contact who flagged a symbol of interest in the Erath area, near Lake Peigneur. The agents encountered a series of bewildering events, uncovering a disturbing chain of events involving symbols, abductions, human trafficking, and a mysterious cult.  

Opperation Details:

Upon meeting with the friendly contact, he appeared visibly distressed and agitated. While discussing the case, he exhibited signs of paranoia and claimed to be pursued by spectral sheep. Suddenly, he suffered a convulsive episode, followed by cardiac arrest. An inexplicable event occurred: he emitted multi-colored flowers that emitted a golden, fragrant pollen. This triggered a shared vision among the agents, depicting a field of white flowers, glowing-eyed sheep, and a figure in a World War I French uniform and gas mask.   Further investigation led the agents to a rusted car displaying the mentioned symbol, situated nearby. The car was associated with a local prosperity festival and raffle, tied to Atakapa Ishak tradition of offering to lake spirits. The agents traced the car's origin to Anders Johansen, whose husband, Lars Johansen, was a board member of the Lake Peigneur Conservation Society. Interveiws with the Johansens confirmed this information. Investigations revealed the car's connection to Dupris Salvage and Reclamation.   The agents uncovered the crashed car of the friendly contact, revealing crucial evidence about a missing person named Shandiin Lina. Her abduction pointed to human trafficking activities involving the Dupris Salvage Yard. An investigation within the salvage yard unveiled a horrifying scene: abducted women were being exploited to cultivate an annomolus fruit in their bodies, later refined into a potent annomolus drug. Faced with the dire condition of the victims, the agents made the painful decision to end their suffering. In the process, the agents confronted Marcel Dupont and Rene Dupris, eliminating Dupont while Dupris managed to escape. In the firefigth with these individuals Agent Gray suffered severe gun shot wound to one of his legs, he should make a full recovery thanks to the efforts of Agent Doc.   A mass grave containing numerous victims highlighted the scale of the atrocities. The salvage yard was set ablaze, erasing the evidence of the heinous crimes. The agents' actions were decisive, but the sinister plot's full extent remained uncertain.  


  The agents' actions have exposed a nightmarish web of human trafficking, cultic practices, and anomalous phenomena. The information and evidence gathered provide a basis for further investigation, surveillance, and collaboration with law enforcement agencies to bring the perpetrators to justice and prevent similar horrors in the future.  


  • Initiate eminent domain proceedings to acquire the land of Dupris Salvage and Reclamation for thorough investigation and containement.
  • Flag Rene Dupris as a person of interest, all attempts should be made for apprenhence and containment.
  • Initiate discreet surveillance on Lars and Anders Johansen to ascertain their involvement.
  • Assign guards to Agent Gray for the durration of his hospital stay.
  • Forward recovered infmation relevant agencies to dismantle the human trafficking network.
  • Consider potential Conspiracy support for agencies combating this human trafficking group to ascertain their involvement in events.
[End of Report]
  Moon Presence Handler, Operation Lake's Whisper

Image of the Fruit Sample turned over by Agents



Articles under Report: Operation Lake's Whisper


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