Report: Operation Twilight Veil

Handler: Moon Presence
Date: August 7th, 2023
Location: Boutte, LA
Operation: Twilight Veil
  Summary: I am submitting this detailed report to brief Central on the latest operation, codenamed "Twilight Veil," conducted by our team of agents in Boutte, LA. The operation was initiated based on a routine domestic dispute case involving two individuals sharing the same identity, Delmont McQuillan. Subsequent investigation of the suspects' residences led to the discovery of an anomalous pamphlets from Golden Inkworks, a company based out of Salt Lake City, UT.    

Mission Briefing:

The operation was initially launched in response to a domestic disturbance involving two individuals, both identified as Delmont McQuillan.  

Operation Details:

While interrogating the Delmont McQuillan's Agents were alerted to the existence of a pamphlet acquired by Mr. McQuillan from a company called Golden Inkworks through mail order. The pamphlet was recovered from the McQuillan residence. It claimed to possess instructions on severing oneself from their legal name, thus escaping the confines of the "strawman" construct. This pamphlet, priced at $500 and paid for via BitCoin, contained hyper-geometry capable of generating a duplicate entity with full knowledge and memories of the original creator.
  Recognizing the potential risks, the decision was made to neutralize both entities to ensure containment of the anomalous phenomenon.
  Upon termination of the original Delmont McQuillan, an otherworldly entity emerged from the duplicate. The creature displayed aggressive and chaotic behavior, posing a threat to both our agents and the surrounding environment. It became apparent that the entity was vulnerable to intense light, as evidenced by its rapid disintegration when exposed to the headlights of our team vehicle.  


Through swift and calculated action, the agents managed to neutralize the creature, reducing it to a residue of gray ash. The threat was eliminated without further incident, and the operation was concluded successfully. All traces of the anomalous phenomenon have been eradicated, and the agents' actions minimized potential exposure.  


In light of the connection between Golden Inkworks and the anomalous pamphlet, further investigation into the establishment's activities is advised. It is imperative to ascertain the origin of the pamphlets, the extent of their distribution, and whether additional individuals may have been affected by the anomalous phenomenon.
  [End of Report]
  Moon Presence
Handler, Operation Twilight Veil




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