Rite of Eldritch Banishment

Excerpt from the Manuscript of Ecclesiastical Secrets, 15th Century
Contained within the sacred pages of this ancient religious manuscript lies the meticulously transcribed Rite of Eldritch Banishment. This rite serves as a guide for those valiant souls who dare to confront and expel the malevolent entities that lurk beyond the veil of our world. Proceed with utmost caution and an unwavering faith, for the words and rituals herein have the power to evoke cosmic forces and protect against the encroaching darkness.
  Instructions for the Rite of Eldritch Banishment:
Step 1: Purification
Prepare the ritual space by cleansing it with sanctified water and incense, while reciting the prayer of purification to invoke divine protection. Use blessed salt to trace protective symbols upon the floor, creating a barrier against unholy influences.
  Step 2: Invocation
Don the sacred vestments, a symbol of your devotion and connection to the divine. Light the seven sanctified candles, representing the seven spheres of celestial influence. Utter the ancient invocation of the Divine Name, beseeching its power to aid in the exorcism and to repel the abhorrent entity.
  Step 3: Confrontation
With unwavering courage and a steady hand, present the sigil or sacred artifact associated with the eldritch being before you. Speak the forbidden name of the entity aloud, piercing the veil that separates our world from its twisted domain. Hold firm in your resolve, for the entity may attempt to deceive or weaken your spirit.
  Step 4: Incantation
Recite the incantation found within the manuscript, carefully enunciating each syllable with profound reverence and unwavering faith. Let the words resonate through the chamber, invoking the ancient forces that oppose the entity. Visualize a radiant barrier forming around you, a bastion of divine light repelling the dark presence.
  Step 5: Banishment
Command the entity to depart, using the words of power passed down through generations of faithful scholars. Invoke the authority of the divine, wielding the ancient prayers and hymns as weapons against the eldritch abomination. Be resolute in your purpose, denying the entity any foothold in our realm.
  Step 6: Benediction
Once the entity has been banished, offer a fervent prayer of thanks and gratitude to the divine forces that have guided and protected you throughout the rite. Extinguish the candles in reverse order, symbolizing the diminishing of the otherworldly presence. Close the ritual space with a final prayer of protection and seal the manuscript, safeguarding its arcane knowledge.
  Note: The Rite of Eldritch Banishment is not to be undertaken lightly. It requires deep spiritual devotion, knowledge of ancient texts, and unwavering faith. Seek guidance from the religious authorities and engage in thorough preparation before attempting this perilous rite.   May the divine light guide and protect you in your solemn duty to confront the abominations that haunt our world.


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