Satellite Surveillance: Communications

Spy satellites listen to cellular communications, TV and radio broadcasts, and any other form of communication that travels to and from other satellites. Communication satellites cannot monitor landlines or cordless phones that do not use satellites. They follow all important traffic around the globe, including major cities and military bases. To reposition one to a more limited or specific target requires a RoutineAdmin/Legal check.
  A communication satellite monitors all traffic coming in and out of its target area; the smaller the area, the more likely the computer or technician will be able to pick up a voice or phrase. An area like a warehouse would require a Routine Computer Operation check to find any information (if relevant information exists). A Task involving a small city block would suffer a single step penalty. A small village, military base, shopping mall, or any area equivalent to a small block, but having high communication traffic, imposes a two step penalty. A town, industrial zone, or commercial zone of a city, a large military base, or something equivalent in size would carry a three step penalty; a large city, a four step penalty. A metropolis such as NYC would be impossible.
  All communication surveillance can be directed to the characters if they have a satellite uplink for a live communication feed of the observed area. This is primarily used to listen in on the communications of a target.
  Archives of communications are organized by the subject of the observation. Unless the character is researching something of past importance, his subject is not in the archives (Reffere's discretion on whether it is “of past importance”). To search through declassified archives requires a Routine Research or Routine Investigation  check, older classified archives impose a single step difficulty penalty, ongoing and recent transcripts or recorded data bring a two step difficulty penalty. Most communications files cover a block or smaller area, usually a single building.


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