
Attribute: Constitution
Swimming is the ability to stay afloat and move in water. Floating is a Standard task when fully clothed; Routine with little or no clothing. Each kilogram of equipment effectively reduces a character's Swimming skill level by 1. If the task is failed, the character sinks and will drown within a number of combat turns equal to his or her Constitution score. Shedding clothing and/or equipment (one turn) allows a new attempt at the task.
  If the task is successful, the character floats and may swim at a speed equal to the (adjusted) Swimming skill (not asset), in meters per combat turn. Characters have a Swimming endurance equal to 5 times their Constitution. Floating without clothes uses 0 endurance points; floating while clothed uses 1 point per minute (1 2 combat turns). Swimming unclothed uses 1 per minute at half speed and 5 per minute at full speed. Clothed swimmers use double that endurance and move at half that speed.
  To tow another person while swimming requires a Standard skill check and halves speed. Diving without an aqualung is a Standard task for up to five meters in depth, or a Formidable task up to 10 meters.
  This skill also allows the use of scuba and rebreather gear, as well as the use of wet underwater vehicles such as diving sleds.


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