The Transcendent Consortium

Founding Principles: The Transcendent Consortium was founded on the belief that humanity's potential is limitless if they can tap into the wisdom and power of higher cosmic entities. They envision a harmonious union between mortals and these beings, leading to the evolution of both. Leadership and Hierarchy: The Consortium is led by a council of enigmatic individuals who claim to have already made contact with these cosmic entities. The council guides the organization's activities and disseminates their teachings to members.



The Consortium is governed by a secretive Council of Envoys, a select group of enigmatic individuals who claim to have already made contact with cosmic entities beyond human comprehension. This Council wields immense influence within the organization, guiding its activities and disseminating their teachings to devoted members.
  Council of Envoys: The leaders of The Transcendent Consortium remain largely hidden from the public eye, shrouded in mystery. Their identities are known only to the highest-ranking members of the organization, and they communicate their directives through intermediaries and encrypted channels. Each envoy is believed to have had personal interactions with the cosmic entities they revere, giving them unique insights into the potential of transcendent existence.


Ascension Rituals: Members of the Consortium undergo elaborate rituals and meditative practices to attune their minds to the frequencies of higher planes. These rituals are said to open gateways for communication and exchange with cosmic entities.
  Scholarly Pursuits: The Consortium engages in extensive research into cosmic lore, transdimensional physics, and metaphysics. They seek patterns and connections that could lead to a deeper understanding of the cosmos and their place within it.
  Expeditions to Anomalous Sites: The Consortium frequently dispatches expeditions to explore anomalous locations where the boundaries between dimensions are thin. They believe these places hold clues to the nature of cosmic entities and the means to establish contact.
  Ethical Debates: Within the Consortium, there are ongoing debates about the ethics of interacting with cosmic entities. While some members argue for enlightenment and mutual growth, others voice concerns about the potentially destructive consequences of meddling with forces beyond mortal understanding.
  Transformational Experiences: Members who claim to have made contact with cosmic entities speak of transformative experiences where they were flooded with incomprehensible knowledge and cosmic truths. These experiences drive their dedication to the Consortium's cause.


Cosmic Archives: The Consortium has amassed a library of ancient texts, artifacts, and accounts of individuals who have purportedly communicated with higher beings. They believe that by studying these records, they can decipher the knowledge needed for ascension.
  Hidden Sanctuaries: The Consortium operates from remote sanctuaries hidden from prying eyes. These locations serve as centers for meditation, research, and the practice of ancient rituals necessary for transcendent communication.
  Global Network: The Consortium operates internationally, with chapters and affiliated groups in various regions. These groups collaborate to uncover ancient secrets, establish contact, and gain cosmic insights.


  • Unveiling of the Unknown: In 1992, the Consortium orchestrated an exclusive exhibition of rare artifacts from various cultures, many with anomalous properties. The event showcased their influence and reach within the world of collectors and elites, all while subtly hinting at their true endeavors.
  • The Veil's Echo: In 2006, the Consortium acquired a centuries-old tome rumored to hold the secrets of crossing between realities. While their initial attempts at deciphering its contents were inconclusive, the acquisition sparked their obsession with bridging the gap between dimensions.
  • Transcendent Accord: In 2015, the Consortium brokered a deal with an ancient order of monks, gaining access to their hidden temple deep within the Himalayas. This agreement granted them a foothold in the region and secured their main base of operations.
  • The Eclipse Auction: A mysterious auction held in 2018, orchestrated by the Consortium. High-profile buyers and sellers exchanged rare artifacts with anomalous properties, and the event garnered significant attention from various anomalous communities.
  • Subterranean Revelations: In 2020, the Consortium successfully acquired an otherworldly crystal discovered in the depths of an unexplored cavern. The crystal's effects on perception and consciousness intrigued their researchers, further driving their pursuit of the unknown.

Transcending Humanity's Limits

Sanctum of Transcendence

Cosmic Archives

Founding Date


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