Warding Gesture

Excerpt from the Manuscript of Forbidden Lore, 15th Century
Within the sacred pages of this ancient religious manuscript lies the transcribed knowledge of the enigmatic Elder Sign. This arcane gesture serves as a potent symbol to ward off the encroachment of otherworldly entities and safeguard the practitioner from their malevolent influence. Proceed with utmost care and unwavering resolve, for the Elder Sign holds the power to channel the protective forces of cosmic entities.
  Instructions for The Warding Gesture:
  Step 1: Preparation
Clear your mind and focus your thoughts on the divine power you seek to invoke. Enter a state of deep contemplation, allowing your consciousness to transcend the mortal realm.
  Step 2: Centering
Assume a comfortable stance, feet firmly planted upon the ground. Raise your dominant hand toward the heavens, palm facing outward, fingers outstretched and slightly curved. Visualize the ethereal energies of the cosmos coalescing around your hand, forming the shape of the Elder Sign.
  Step 3: Invocation
Speak the invocation inscribed within the manuscript, an ancient verse infused with eldritch power. Let the words resonate with the cosmic forces as you draw upon their energy to imbue the Elder Sign - Gesture. Envision the symbol radiating with a pulsating aura, its protective influence permeating your surroundings.   Step 4: Focus
Fix your gaze upon the center of the Elder Sign, allowing its intricate patterns to etch themselves into your mind. Concentrate on the symbol's significance, acknowledging the ancient entities and their domains of existence. Feel the weight of their cosmic guardianship flowing through your being.
  Step 5: Empowerment
Slowly rotate your hand in a clockwise motion, infusing the Elder Sign with your own life force and intentions. With each rotation, the symbol gains strength and vitality. Visualize a brilliant light emanating from the symbol, casting away darkness and forming an impenetrable barrier against the encroachment of eldritch forces.
  Step 6: Sealing
Complete the gesture by bringing your hand down to your chest, fingers still curved, and palm facing inward. Whisper a prayer of protection and sealing, calling upon the cosmic entities to fortify the Elder Sign's potency. Feel the symbol melding with your essence, an indelible mark of your connection to the unfathomable mysteries.
  Note: The Elder Sign is a sacred symbol of cosmic protection, and its invocation should be approached with reverence and caution. Study the manuscript diligently, seek spiritual guidance, and understand the ramifications of harnessing such ancient power before attempting this gesture.   May the veils of the cosmos open before you, and may the Elder Sign shield you from the terrors that lie beyond.


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