
Attribute: Intelligence
This skill reflects a strength of character that resists domination by outside forces and perseveres in the face of adversity. The skill can be used in several different ways. First, it is an automatic subtraction from the power level of all Psionic attacks directed at the character. Second, the referee may decide that certain tasks are so long, dull, and tedious, or offensive and disagreeable, that the character must make a Willpower check to remain focused on the job at hand. Failure of the Willpower roll will increase the difficulty level of the unpleasant task.
  The referee may also require a Willpower check to be made if the character witnesses or is involved in particularly unpleasant events. The difficulty level of the test will be decided by the referee, based upon the exact circumstances, and the results of failure could range from characters losing their lunch, to running away, to fainting from shock. Exact results are to be decided by the referee. In general, the easier the Willpower test, the less severe the effects of failure. Such an event might also be very intimately linked to the character. For example, a character who is being held prisoner and tortured for information will have to make periodic Willpower rolls to avoid cracking, typically once per torture "session." Success at one of these rolls means that the character will be beaten into unconsciousness without divulging anything.


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