
Characters obtain two different types of skills: initial skills and acquired skills. Initial skills include knowledge of a native language (or languages) and skills supplied by education and/or careers during character generation. Acquired skills are learned from instructors during the course of a campaign (i .e., sometime after character creation has been completed, as explained at the end of this chapter). All character skills, whether obtained during character generation or acquired, are listed on the Skill List.
  Controlling Attributes and Skills: As characters are awarded skill levels for careers and secondary activity choices, players add those levels to previous skill levels. However, once a character's level in a particular skill equals the value of the skill's controlling attribute, all additional skill level awards count only as half a level, rather than a full level.
All half levels are retained for long-term improvement purposes, but they are rounded down for purpose of actual skill use. Thus, when Charlotte reaches a level of 8.5 with her Stalking skill, she will have an effective skill level of 8 until she receives an additional skill level promotion.
Skill Levels: While attributes are limited to a maximum of IO (unless changed by super-science or unnatural powers), skills have no maximum limit; a skill can be improved to as high a level as the player desires and the referee will allow. Record the total of the skill level and its controlling attribute. For example, a character with a INT of 9 and a Psychology skill of 7 would record the skill as "Psychology 7/16," the first number being the skill level and the second number being the total of skill and controlling attribute. Cascade skills are a special case: A cascade skill is a collection of several closely related skills under one heading. For example, unarmed combat and armed combat are aspects of the Melee Combat skill and are written as "Melee Combat (Unarmed)" and "Melee Combat (Armed)," respectively.
Cascade Skills: A few skills are called cascade skills. A cascade skill is one that includes several lesser skills under one broad heading. Examples of cascade skills are Pilot, which includes Fixed-Wing, Rotary-Wing. and Shuttle, and Small Arms, which includes both Pistol and Rifle skills.
Characters who receive a cascade skill must decide on an area of special interest from among the subskills covered. From then on, their skill level in the chosen specialty is considered to be the level of the overall skill. Their level in all of the other subskills is half their level in the overall skill.
Skill Tests: All skill tests are versus the total of skill and controlling attribute.
Unskilled Tests: Characters may try to use skills for which they have no training, by making a test versus the controlling attribute alone, at one difficulty level higher than normal. 
Languages: Each Language skill level received counts double for any language in the same group as a character's native language. As well, European characters always receive double skill levels in all Germanic, Romance, and Balta-Slavic languages.


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