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Erzor Fangwarden

Erzor Fangwarden (a.k.a. Ace)

My name is Ace and I was chosen to be a seeker for my trade caravan, The Migrating Market. If it looks like I'm busy, don't bother me.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

small stature and slender

Body Features

white fur, claws, digitigrade gait, long smooth tail

Facial Features


Identifying Characteristics

luscious long locks of hair that I usually style into a pompadour or emo pixie cut (I didn't name the haircut)

Physical quirks

I have fangs while many ratfolk don't

Apparel & Accessories

A siiiick leather jacket, blue scarf, and some goggles for protection from sparks and the sun

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



He has been interested in Cozi since they met as seekers. Her loss probably stings the most.


Trained by his father Arkor in hunting, trained by his mother Nayomi in cartography and navigation


When Ace turned 12, he joined his father Arkor on hunting trips. When he turned 17, Ace was assigned to be one of five seekers by the caravan overseers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Becoming a seeker at the age of 17

Mental Trauma

Ace has lost three of his friends to bulettes.

Intellectual Characteristics

Inventive, observant, calm, cool, and collected.

Personality Characteristics



Savvies & Ineptitudes

Archery, Hunting, Cartography, navigation, tinkering, auto-didact

Likes & Dislikes

Likes getting to spend time alone to work on project and the satisfaction of a good hunt (game or treasure) Dislikes loud noise, large crowds, failing, embarassment

Virtues & Personality perks

adaptable, cool, observant, problem solver, adventurous, independent, bold, experimental, skilled at understanding things, resourceful, quietly analytical

Vices & Personality flaws

can be evasive, spontaneous, almost cold, reserved, unsympathetic, lazy, hyper-focused


Contacts & Relations

The overseers, merchants, navigators, cartographers, sentries, scouts, inventors, architects, alchemists, physicians, hunters, trappers, smiths, tinkerers, brewers, cooks, pastors, and custodians, as well as the veteran and greenhorn seekers of Erzor's caravan.

Family Ties

Father is Arkor. Mother is Nayomi. Younger siblings from second and third litter include: Kos (brother), Jiji (sister), Maks (b), Fhizi (s), and Braran (b).

Religious Views

casually worships The Merchant, a mercantile deity of Shaharazz

Social Aptitude

can be easy going, helpful, and typically admired from a distance but tends to be independent, quiet, analytical, and unsympathetic.


smolders and smirks too often

Born as Erzor, Ace has been yoked with the duty of a seeker since his 17th birthday. While adaptable and inventive, it is his number of skills that has earned Ace his nickname.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Greenhorn Seeker
18 yr
The Migrating Market
White pompadour
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White fur
3' 7"
78 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish, Undercommon

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Ace's Travel Journal

6/30/24   Meeting at the Storm's Eye Tavern in Gatetown. Bartender is a vedalken named Glory. The party is: Dandi has mangled ear and scar on face. Salen is young and seems inexperienced. Soleil is yellow and jacked. Follow a tiefling cleric upstairs, I barely notice brown hair blue eyed halfling girl leap out the window, tiefling administers medicine to the human laying on the ground bleeding. As the dying man tells us that we need the package that the halfling stole, we hear a gunshot downstairs. There is a brooding thug and two goblin henchmen, and they want to start a fight! Initiative. The gray changeling Testumaru kills one of the goblins. Salen heals Ace for 4 points! Ace used some of his ropes to hog-tie the bandit and subdue him. Dandi goes for the pistol loot. Tetsu is unhinged.   Continue in pursuing halfling. Nobody has any lead on where she went, so we go upstairs to ask her victim questions. Tells us they're part of a local gang called the Brass Pistols. Package is immaculately wrapped in white oak with purple roots ? When we get package, take it to the noble district and deliver it personally Duke Herald Leovold III. Leovolds are known for their charity and for making expensive goods cheap and available for the common people (Henry Ford). Soleil tells us she works in the coliseum. Apparenlty, Testu works at a grocery store.   We agree as a party to investigate the Brass Pistols in order to find the halfling and, consequently, the package. Ziplines are out of commission because there have been a lot of earthquakes, lately.   Tetsu tells us that Brass Pistols are led by Dugan and found in the part of the market district referred to as Black Hollow. We arrive in the right area, Tetsu takes the shape of the leader of the group that attacked us and starts acting as him, injured. The gang falls for it and one of them takes Tetsu under their wing and helps them inside what seems to be their HQ. The rest of us catch the one guard at the door off guard and he gets demolished with nonlethal damage. Tetsu goes down after grabbing the box. Soleil goes up next to Tetsu while he's on the ground and defend him. Meanwhile, Dandi grabs the box and retreats expeditiously. Dugan accidentally breaks the lock with his sword while swinging at Tetsu. Salen takes Dugan down and we win the fight!   Dandi opens the box. There is a wish scroll within and without any restraint, Dandi wishes for . . . to be the best inventor in the world. After much consideration, we decide to book a couple of rooms. The Stuffy Cupboard is where we stay, Dandi pays. Rowdy crowd.   It's early morning. Salen turns into a mouse and sits on Ace's shoulder. Tetsu says he has to go to work and shifts into a plain looking dude.   On our way to deliver the package, Tetsu stops by his job at the inn where we met. He missed the rush and his boss is furious. He got fired. He doesn't handle it well.   We make a deal with a traveling cabbage merchant to give us a ride while we protect him. We are hitchhikers. In between towns are still buildings, but more abandoned/condemned buildings ghost towns. We are now in the bazaar neighborhood. There is a stall selling genuine tapestries and selling them for a great deal! Dandi opens a stall to sell potions. They have an awkward interaction with a stranger.   7/14/24   Ace was kidnapped by the lizardfolk rug salesmen. Ace's friends have rescued him, but he is missing his gear and backpack; only has armor. Tetsu has changed to look like some guy named Keith. Wherever we are, it is dark and Ace is the only one with darkvision. Salen turns into a cat and finds a piece of paper/parchment. We enter a room that has strange sounds and smells, the blue lizardfolk closes the door behind us, smiling wickedly before he is pulled by a string shot of silk into the darkness. ROLL INITIATIVE!!   Ace shoots the strings holding the lizard up like a puppet. Salen catches the whole room on fire. Tetsu runs up a flaming wall with the chain spike weapon, and falls on his ass. Soleil throws a javelin at the phase spider while it is 30 feet up on the ceiling. Tetsu redeems himself with a brief wall run followed by a pouncing attack that finishes the damned spider off. The room is still on fire and we need to escape. Salen wets a rope with water so it doesn't catch fire and Ace ties it to an arrow and fires out the window for escape. Ace loses his grip and almost falls 50' to his death, but Soleil catches him heroically. Soleil lets go of Ace and he falls 25', but is caught halfway by Dandi! Tetsu is accredited with the heroism of saving us. What a true hero . . .   We wake up at Gazelle's (a tavern in the nicer part of town). A dwarf with a tattoo of his own beard approaches our table, thanks for taking care of the spider, his name is Darren. After placing our order for breakfast, Dandi shows us LG, or Little Guy, who is a little mech thing.   Testu thinks he's the greatest actor that has ever lived. Right now, we are in the town of Fullholdt. Go to Shepshed or Tarnsworth? A group of small children dressed in rags swarm us, asking if we're heroes. Ace gives each a goodberry.   14 hours of walking. Ace lost his box of cigars. Salen turned into a horse and Ace gave him longstrider so we could go back for it. We find that the poor kids stole them and chase them down, grab the cigars after Salen decks a kid, parent tries to get us but we escape back to the Shepshed, where the rest of our friends are sleeping.   Awakens next morning. We still need to take the wish scroll to the duke. We leave Shepshed north towards Draycott. Something amorphous comes out of the water, Ace knows that its a water-weird - an artificially produced elemental. Tetsu does some mudra(jutsu) with his hands and throws a shuriken. Tetsu believes it! Dandi casts firebolt. The weird is defeated as LG punches a hold in its chest. Party gathers samples of the water-weird.   Finally, we make it to Draycott!   7/28/24   There is a spire called The Builder's blessing in the center of the whole world. We are in Draycott. The town itself seems quiet, but we can smell funnel cakes and hear noises of joyful people deeper in the city. There is a carnival within a fenced perimeter! We walk in. There is a sign with flashing lights: Monsieur En Lou. Gnome man, about 40 years, with a patchy beard at the ticket booth. It costs 10g to enter, but alternatively can make pacts for the night and, if we fulfill them, are rewarded with 10g later that night.   Soleil must compliment every person they meet. (instructions are telepathically confidential, but Ace cannot talk about his favorite subject. Dandi must carry a small pumpkin around as though it were a precious egg. Tetsu cannot tell a lie knowingly.   We get our tickets, which have eight punchable holes. When the ticket is used up, we must pay 10g for another or make another pact. As we enter, there is a map and schedule of events. At midnight, the big top performance will take place. In the underdark, Ace knows about fey magic that has spilled into the world; something he knows for safety, but is not deeply knowledgeable. The first thing we do is ride the swandala. The swandala talks to us, her name is Annabelle. Instead of giving us a tour, Annabelle wants to talk gossip. Swandala tells us she is from the feywild. Tells us about the carnival master showing up to the feywild. Tetsu is having a good time.   After the swandala ride, we head over to the goblin wrestling for Soleil to check out. Ace gives her some goodberries. Soleil and Tetsu opt to fight the goblins. Soleil goes first: the two goblin men are clearly professional and jacked; wins by the skin of her teeth. It was close! Tetsu's up next: The goblins he fights are actual children, nuts are cradled, nostrils are assaulted, Tetsu wins! Soleil wins a cloak of protection. Tetsu won a tiny hourglass that functions like a blue sapphire elemental gem - can summon an air elemental once.   bunny with a horn called an almiraj is hopping around in a fence - a ring toss. Ace goes first, rings the first, misses the second, and then ring the third - dub! (win). Dandi goes next; gets one but misses the other two. Tetsu goes and rings two and wins! Poor Dandi can't win :/   Ace won some bracers of archery.   Pixiecake challenge is the next event we attend. Only ONE winner. Giggles the clown is hosting the event. Eat as many cakes as possible in one minute. Tetsu gets caught cheating and is plummeted beneath the stage in shame. Dandi, Ace, and Soleil just didn't have the constitution and each pass out in a sugar-induced coma.   Down beneath the stage, Tetsu notices the dead body of Giggles the clown in the rafters, throat slit open.   We go to the big tent just before midnight and report the murder to the bugbear attendant.   Large purple top hat with a flower, elegant purple suit, candied skull on cane, Monsier En Lou is a crocodile man. He leads us somewhere past the tent and carnies getting ready. He ushers us into his office. Just like the office from Willy Wonka; half of everything. Monsier En Lou hires us investigate the murder of Giggles.   Ace notices how selfless Soleil is, casting bless on the three of us to give as an advantage during the pie eating contest. Ace notices how strangely impressed by the clown's assassination Tetsu is. Dandi just wants to win a game.   PUNCH CARD: xxxx   8/18/24 (session V)   Salen shows up to the carnival, his pact is: he must declare his love for unicorns at every opportunity. Can reroll any d20 roll, but there will be an unknown fey curse decided by DM - this boon was provided to us by the ringmaster of the carnival, Monsieur En Lou.   TWIST - Ace must give self pep talk as often as possible.   The big tent event is about to take place. Meanwhile, Ace searches for somewhere inconspicuous to brief and investigate; sees Giggles' trailer. We go to his trailer, Tetsu searches around the trailer for anything suspicious and a way in. Some black cloth from a shirt or something was caught in the back window and torn . . . maybe some evidence? We also found some footprints, maybe made by dress shoes? We go inside the trailer, it is a mess. Dandi reminds us that we should interrogate Giggles' lover and is highly suspicious of the pixies that help run the show. Ace found a gold ring maybe worth 50g.   The party is going to split. Tetsu and mouse-form Salen go to double-check on the ringmaster and eavesdrop on him to check for anything suspicious while Dandi and Ace go to see about Giggles' lover/fiancé.   Dandi and Ace go inside an aquarium, following the wailing of the upset fiancé. Inside the fishbowl is a mermaid named Noelani, the lover and fiance of Giggles. She gives a name, Candletoe, a mime that Giggles has allegedly been associating with for help with travel. Candletoe does not have a trailer, but resides in the Hall of Illusions. Neolani tells us that she is a fortune teller and, if convincec that Tetsu is Giggles, might be able to read his fortune and thusly provide revelation on the mystery surrounding Giggles' murder.   "Of black and white, now black and red, a finale awaits, before the chad (the cake chad). "   "Throw wide the gates, that we may pass" - Ace's fortune and Dandi's fortune the same   While Salen is spying on Monsieur En Lou, the ringmaster pulls out a pocketwatch and the ringmaster talks to it. Says something about having "plenty of stories for you" and mentioned Giggles. It has been 45 minutes, so we go back to help release Salen-mouse from Monsieur En Lou's office. Tetsu undoes his curses with pixies taffy, only to be cursed again. We head to the Hall of Illusions so we can talk to Candletoe. As we go through the first section, immersed in magical darkness, our fey curses are removed. Next section is a mirror section where we look 13 years younger. As Ace looks at his 6 year old reflection, he starts to shift into that younger version of himself. Dandi's reflection does not have a scar and has braces, does not change like Ace did. Salen is a toddler, big gut, sticky, also doesn't change. We see Tetsu at 14 years and he also changes. Ace is 6 and Tetsu is 14. Tetsu is very edgy and his utterances reveal the dark nature of his past. The next section we enter, undoing the changes of the last, and it's a hall that seems to go on forever. As Tetsu is jogging down the hall to try to reach the end, Dandi shoots her gun in hopes of shattering whatever illusion. It works, but a mime steps out and gestures "wtf" at us. She yelled "duck" but Tetsu responds "Don't you mean 'swan'"? and the bullet hits Tetsu. Salen heals him.   The mime is Candletoe, who entertains our desire to ask him questions. He seems happy to work and live here at the carnival. He also confesses that death is the only way out of the contract. Tells us that he wasn't close to Giggles and would have no reason to visit each other, which is a tad suspicious. Also, Tetsu notices a tear in his shirt that matches the cloth we found in the window of Giggles' trailer. Salen presses Candletoe about being in Giggles' trailer and Candletoe "pleads the 5th" and walks off as in invisible wall pushes us back. Reactively, Salen casts moonbeam and combat ensues. ROLL INITIATIVE! Mime has cool mime-themed spells and stuff, like Force(d) Cage. We finally catch the mime, and he starts to talk!   Candletoe tells us that Giggles, because of Neolani, wanted to leave the carnival. He also confesses to murdering Giggles. He doesn't seem to know anything about Monsieur En Lou's agenda, the pocketwatch, or these "stories". Ace asked if we were being watched right before Candletoe breathes his last. We try to resuscitate him to no avail and can't determine the cause of death, but we agree that we are potentially in great danger.   We hunt down Chad and talk with him; maybe we'll learn something about the prophecy/fortune. Chad knows nothing.   Fun fact: The closest thing to a religious leader in Shaharazz is Sharuum, a sphinx that reigns over all of Shaharazz.   8/25/24   Tetsu is pooping, but we got Soleil back from the restroom. The lines are always ridiculous.   We go to the cupcake stand. We check underneath to give the crime scene another look. Giggles' body has been taken.   Salen shows up, informs us that every carnie is watching us, and successfully stole a report. We head inside the big tent and go to Giggles' trailer where we hope we can get away from the eyes. Dandi discovers markings that indicate that something was hidden beneath the rug. Salen reads the report, which is absolutely about us. Salen needs to learn the name of the pact keeper that Monsieur En Lou talks to over the pocket watch. Ace touches the make-up kit, it turns him into Candletoe, and takes the make-up kit for future use.   Ace and Dandi go to the mermaid for questions and fortune while Ace is disguised as Candletoe. It doesn't go well and she takes the ring that was her engagement ring. Dandi kept a distance to avoid raising suspicion. Vines and leaves start growing out of and over Ace as a TWIST. Pulling them feels like pulling on hair_Ace returns to Dandi and changes out of the disguise. Then we see a bright light beneath us.   Soleil and Salen (turned mouse and hitching a ride) go to Monsieur En Lou to bait information out of him, hopefully a name concerning the pact-maker. Monsieur En Lou, with great disappointment, tells us that all we had to do was make a great story, but he's going to have to force the story out of us. Salen found out that he was watching us through the pocket watch.   We all wake up sitting in chairs together in the center of the big tent. We have joined the show. Every light is on us. Everyone attending the carnival is here. Dandi tells us that the audience is enchanted. Monsieur, drippin, approaches us. Tells us he owes a story to his "patron". Is this man a warlock? Two people pop up out of hatches in the floor: a clown and a mime. INITIATIVE   CHARACTER: Instead of a summer eladrin, Soleil looks to be an androgynous, white-skinned changeling.   Soleil delivers the final blow to Monsieur En Lou, but he poofs into dust. (He wasn't really there). NEW TWIST: MY BLOOD IS CUM! We win the battle without killing, and Monsieur En Lou returns somewhat peacefully, ushering the audience out and inviting us to a private discussion. Should we trust him?   Patron is Ozma (fey that has marginal complex).   The Despot is a crime boss.   A message from Monsieur's patron Ozma: "Find Alexander".   Monsieur En Lou offers to teleport us to the plaza in order to aid in our delivery job.   Ace offers his services to Monsieur En Lou for future reference. Ace is also relieved to find that Giggles and Candletoe are unharmed.   We are in the plaza, very close to the Builder's Blessing. There are some foresty areas.   9/8/24   We all have fey touched (we're RPing that it was because of our fey-entwined adventure at the carnival).   REminder: Ace is from Eldrara, the underdark.   Tetsu got kidnapped by a giant bird.   Ace hunter's marked the giant bird, which will last an hour.   We run into two stranger, Ahab and Ishmael. They want to help us catch the giant, white bird. Ishmael turns into a horse and we ride. We venture for 30 minutes.   300 ft up hill, bird flies into a crevice/cave in the side of the Builder's Blessing tower. The Builder's Blessing is a gargantuan granite cylinder that can be seen from any and every corner of Shaharazz. We stand at the cave entrance that the bird flew into in the side of the building. After traversing stealthily, we come across an enormous room with a nest in the center and enough light for everyone to see. No sign of the bird, Tetsu, Ahab, or Ishmael, but Ace can smell that Tetsu was here. A small goblin climbs down the nest and looks at us with one large, hysterical eye. He shouts "Look what I can do!" as he spazzes, eye almost pops every blood vessel, has a seizure, and then relax. Then, the sun supernovas. It is very terrifying, but very beautiful. It is also fake, and we too late realize this when the goblin disappears and the package that Dandi has been carrying, our primary job, has disappeared with him. Salen chases after where he thinks the goblin is (out the way we came) and Ace and Dandi follow suit. Salen spots the goblin with detect magic, which has invisibility cast on it, and directs Ace and Dandi where to shoot. Unfortunately, he has some kind of charm or enchanting magic that persuades us from fighting. Dandi shot the goblin, but it didn't break skin. Salen moonbeams the goblin, and thusly loses his invisibility and eventually shrivels to a pile of ash. Salen takes the box, after being all weird and suspicious, and then his eye pops out big like the goblin's. Ace and Dandi are confused: cannot take reactions, at the start of turn make d10 roll. Neither of us can move or take actions. Salen speaks gibberish and casts moonbeam on himself. Finally, Ace is no longer confused. The spirit of the Nilbog went from the goblin to Salen, and is now has moved to Dandi after knocking Salen unconscious. Ace lassos Dandi while trying to keep Salen from slipping into a coma. Great lasso, but Dandi flinches and is scary close to the edge of a cliff. Nilbog-possessed Dandi, while restrained, is flailing around pulling Ace closer to the edge of the cliff with her. Dandi is 5 feet away from the precipice . . . we're going to diiiIIIIEEEE . . . Salen, who was a horse helping pull the rope, turned back into kalashtar in order to enlarge Ace into a medium sized creature. Now, enlarged Ace and normal Salen are pulling desperately on the rope to keep Dandi and themselves from tumbling off the edge. Ace feels the rope slip, sees that the situation is hopeless, and lets go just before Dandi and Salen fall. Ace spends a half hour to create a memorial for the two at the cliffside they fell, spend some time to mourn, and then heads down the path safely (instead of climbing down) so he can retrieve gear and bodies of the fallen. Then Tetsu shows up and is possessed and fights Ace. Ace falls prone, laughing. Salen thunderclaps, which awakens Ace, and Dandi's Little Guy decimates the Nilbog. It was all a dream manipulated by the Nilbog.   9/22/24   Traveling out of the plaza . . . Salen turns into a horse. There are 12 people resting up ahead, wearing red robes. There is a spider-shaped symbol on the back. They're the people that kidnapped Ace while pretending to sell phase spider rugs. Ace tries to run. ROLL INITIATIVE   Ace takes notice that everyone seems concerned for him and rushes to his aid.   One of them removes his hood to reveal black, scaly "skin" and a singular, bulbous eye. Eventually, we discover that they all look the same. I guess they are called Nothics.   One of them says something to Ace about "Onion was your fault"   These things were once humanoid, wizards that strayed to far into their specialty magic, twisted by arcane powers; they have the ability to look into our subconscious and reveal our deepest secrets.   Ace can smell oil and steel on the cloaks.   We search the caravan cart that the cloaked strangers were using, and Tetsu finds two scrolls of revivify. Dandi finds a note: "find Leelo and Lilo and who killed the Matron" .   10/21/24   We come upon a halfling man stuck in a tree. His name is Roscoe and he is pinned to a tree branch by a spear in the arm. His arm might be mechanical considering the lack of gore and blood. Roscoe Tealeaf is a renowned author that writes about Alphinaud. Roscoe tags along. We continue our way up to the noble district to deliver the parcel (scroll).   When we get to the noble district, there is a roc above us. It attacks Tetsu first and picks him up. START COMBAT! We kill the crap out of it.   We set up a temp camp and forage the roc for its resources. Tetsu takes the talons, Ace the feathers, Dandi gets the heart, Salen cooks a leg. Upon harvesting the eyes of the roc, Tetsu and Ace discover a collar on the roc and a tag that says "R448". Ace takes an eye from the roc. We set up camp and discuss business with our new friend, Roscoe.                        


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