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Clover Geit

Clover Geit


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BFF's with Bree Valaria

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Gallie fight!

5/19/24   We are on Metrodoven and the ground is crumbling and HD tells us Gallie is in the center of the city. I grab Errich and fly up. We fly up to see Gallie 400ft above the ground with a bunch of broken platforms and rocks. We fly through a magic storm and land on a platform.   V hits the fuck out of him and almost kills him in one blow.... but since Gallie and Alph were dick buddies Alph gets hurt too. I heal him up and we get ready to beat him up. Gallie pops back in from the party dimension and lands in another spot on the map.   We finally kill him again and we see Metrodoven is falling apart. HD tells us the city is dying as well as him and then Laz plays in the water to find out where his final phylactery is at. It's about 4 hours away. I call Queerus and he send us water breathing stuff to use to get into the water. We pull up to the pillars of defiance. We dive into the water and swim towards the phylactery   We fight the wall and see his loadstone and we destroy it.     FIN

Post Gallie/dragon fight: pre only Gallie fight

4/14/24   Bree says Zudus & Udus went missing again.... Zudus north ith0crest and NW Udus west of Caedor.   We drop down to the location of Zudus   We kill him and bring him back.   We go to where Udus is.   Fort Maru is where the loadstone is that is controlling the wizards   We feel a pull of loadstone   16 is my initiative.   --------------------------------------------------- 4/28/24   Then Cody decided for us to just roll again so this time I got 15.   We fight some zom-babies and wait fir Zom-mummy to come out   We kill the Mummy-daddy   We get on the airship and Alph sees spell lines going towards a crosshair, Alph suggests we go towards it to try and stop Gallie before he comes back and destroy his phylactery.   The king of the Maru kingdom poofs onto our ship, he wants to come fight with us.   We short rest, and then have hero's fest as well.   Metrodoven is in the middle of the continent.   We jump on and go talk to Herpaderp..aka HD.   Alph and Clover try to speak to him to figure out a plan and we do not... HD says he is here.        

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

Galliard fight!!!

We go in and have a lot of buffs   Currently have inspo from Alph, I blessed and cast aura of Vitality on everything, Errich did Hero's weapon, and Laz did Bears endurance.     Salen flys us up the to the platform and we see, a large platform and there is a desk with Gallie and a barrier around him and 8 pillars that look like the loadstones. There is the cauldron and the dragon as well. AND BEN IS HEREEEEEE!!!   Gallie has two checkpoints to meet: -Mind control the dragon and -The Dracoclich ceremony     We all go to wack the shit out of the pillars. The Dragon fucks up a few of us. We try to convince the dragon to get on our side... Ben changes Oona into Sliver adult dragon.   Airade (gallies wife) AIR-RI-UD   Alph and Ben die die.   ........ 3/24/24     We finish our fight with the dragon and Gallie. we get a bunch of cool loot!   Alph and I fly the goopy black death stuff to Bree's house. and V goes to Deaville and turns in the dragon's body into decor   We got a whole bunch of loot!   Gallie ring of spell splitting ring of protection sphere of annellation anti-scrying amulet wand of binding scarab of protection ring of invisibility Defender (long sword)   Ben cloak of displacement ring of spell storing potion of greater healing shield (to give to his bro) undermantium cloak Havensgrove ring (give to bro) Cube of force instrument of the bards (canaith mandalin)   _____________________________________________ 4/7/24     Alph gives old man bones the liquid death....   We all fuck around for a long time.   I drop Mushy off of daycare (Edmund)   The party meet up in Deaville and I fight V. I win!!!!!!        

2/25/24 & 3/3/24

Me and Laz wake up and head to Mythill. I find the old man, and give him his eye back and he turns into a younger V...? Maybe that's why I hate V he reminded me of my shame ?? I have a dream with Devina and the guy who I stole the eye from who turns out is actually Isos!!! Devina gives me one of her hairs and it molds into my sword and now I have these benefits: Moon cleaver- perfect weapon now. Protective light: Blade's glow give adv on saving throws within 15ft of me CR 18 undead flee from the sight of the blade.   We ready ourselves for battle and we enter the war room and Zudus and Udus, Yollana, Bree, Left, the king, and maybe some other people but I wasn't paying a lot of attention. Goals: -Go to his last known location. (South of the Maru kingdom where the Elves are fighting over wine) -Search for clues at the old research lab. (possibly underground) -Stop the ritual for the Dracolich -??? -Profit   We ask Roguar the ancient dragon for help in a pray circle and end up in his floaty castle. He's really scary. Alph makes a deal with him and now has to fulfill a deal with the dragon. Errich has the master sending stone.   We have a yummy dinner, as well as Alph giving us a super awesome speech. We get super buffed up...   We poof into the research lab and remember we have to go down   We get down the stairs and find multiple statues West- Long arms and legs words on it's chest that says Queerus and Deaville (the biter) North- Long fingers body Forshanalte Kador (The muter) East- Normal looking statue Gillwise river-eyes and crossed out to say Swallowtail (Mr. Night)   I rocky talkie Queerus, he's okay but we all fell into a trap.   V finds notes: Ritual will require a huge gemstone to house dragon. Will also require a lot of life energy to cover up necrotic damage. Ritual will need to be held in a platform in the sky so the dragon can come and go...   I get shot through my leg with a spear/blade connected by a chain by the biter... We have a rough fucking combat.   We finally get through the rough combat and loot some crystals off the Golems. and start deliberating over where Gallie is located.   We talk to Bree and she said she defiantly thinks that the life tree is the place to be and that Gallie stole a crystal in Crystillist.   We call Bree who gets Salen, to help us get to the birth tree   We get to the place of the birth tree and Alph & V ride up the birth tree. We speak to Carla and alert of her the situation. She said their Sentrees alerted them of their presence. She blesses us and we got up to the top of the birth tree and the Sentrees tell us they found something up there and it was very darkkkkkk (bad feelings)   Alph and V find the spot.....   Alph and V tells where it's at and about hat wishes to make with the ring.   Plans --------
  • Go for Gallie first
  • Stop Dracolich ritual
  • Maybe tell Dragon about it so it can attack him instead
  • -??? -Profit     *Laz Enhance ability to Errich Bear's Endurance* I bless Alph and V (Laz, Errich, and I have been blessed from the Sentrees)                    

    Family vacay & Errich's wedding! 2/18/23

    We get a month off from Hot grail duties. Clover decides to take a family vacay with Queerus and Mushy across Maru kingdom to see Applewood Village.. which there is absolutely nothing good there. We also travelled to Mythhill and I meandered around town.   V goes and takes care of the Zorn and helps build them up/ improve their lifestyles.   Laz goes to the Faewild and hangs out with her cat and trains.   Alph holds a concert   Errich has his wedding and it was a very beautiful ceremony.

    The Journal Entry’s title

    Begin writing your story here...

    Yet another blast to the past 1/28/24

    Two pieces of the staff are still missing....   We ended up in Errich's backstory. We talk to some hick halflings and he tells us Errich is in the temple over yonder. There's a nasty bar with poop and Bree's throw up. Errich tells us he thinks tonight is the night that he kills people as a werebear.... We decide we need to rest first, and then find the staff before nightfall. I use Locate object and the staff is in the dirty dirty bar and the guy has been burgled.. including his pants. Alph tries to lie to Bree about finding the staff, so that we can prevent Errich from killing those people.   We end up taking the staff to her, and poof to Gallie's tomb area but in his eyes... He talks to the skelly lady because he has no one else to talk to and she is forced to listen to him forever. He said he has been able to connects to his loadstones and rebalance them, and he met his dragon friend and he doesn't even know what's coming to them. He has captured the Zorn and is running tests on them with his mind control devices.... The dragon has a lot of hate and he become a lich, but he isn't going to let him. He wants to turn him into a mind controlled undead dragon and he wants to take on Plysos (god of the undead). He said he had a hard time getting into Plysos domain because of the protections.   and we poof to Bree's house. She says we need to go see what in the world has changed.... Itham is talks to us about Bree's schedule and then drops that Yollana wants to talk to Bree.... AND SHE MARRIED ITHAM!!!!!! We go downstairs to see Yollana (who is now a nice looking old man now?!) He is super old but nice??? He said he went to Ithocrest with us to clear our name and then helped Errich discover his werebear form... He says Gallie sent down a group of spies (gold mine people) to murder people and they were dressed as us. and apparently Left has been helping Itham out a lot. He says Ben's bar has been going really well and we should stop by and see. We go to the tearoom.. to see Itham and left laughing. They then tells us that Left killed the collector years ago and he is in fact not a vampire... Queerus and mushy are still around!   Alph's mom and dad are getting remarried!! and he also lost his chair as well.... We go to get ready for the wedding. V is tying to stop it from happening for some reason. We get to Amberreach and Alph gets his chair back. V sneaks out out of the window of the house and send out his mirror image... he realizes that Alph's mom is probably inside the house and climbs back through the window.... he then sends out another image to book it out of the house and we don't catch on for a min.... He goes into Alph's mom's room and holds the door shut. He gets turned down and V goes outside and starts eldritch blasting the house and Alph locks him into a cage... he eventually gets out and just dips out of town. We go to the wedding and Edmund is doing the ceremony.   V makes it Deville to say his to his Zorn friends. and apparently they have gotten some what organized... but also not because they don't shower. and also they don't know how to read or what a brothel is and never had a drink before. V decides to take them on a field trip to the brothel

    Surprise I'm White now! 1/14/24

    -(The guys and Bree poof into pre-riff Goldencrest and I'm not there) people poof around at stopwalk poofers. "teleposts" They look down at them for being peasants and walking instead of poofing.   I wake up in a very nice bedroom, super rich person.... There is a nice dress hanging up..... I am a white person (Elvish) and I have legs?!?!?! and feet!!!!! I look in the mirror and I am Gallie's wife Ayla and there is a note on on the dress saying " I had this special ordered for you, see you later tonight -Gallie" I look around for weapons There is so many weapons dresser . I grab and hide 2 (+2) Daggers. A man comes in the room and says: " Gallie is presenting his Loadstone presentation later this evening and you are expected to be there, but it isn't until 6pm so you have the day to hang around. You have your normal meeting at the temple of Devina for you to go to as well and then have lunch with Gallie."   -The guys and Bree talk to a halfling at the bar and he tells them Gallie is the most successful wizard of their time, has created so many good things and stuff. and tells them about the ball later tonight. They plan to go to the ball.   I get to the entrance to of the castle and and I see there is a second castle..... so there is a mirrored castle... I go to Davina's temple... There is a group of people in the Devina temple saying they are excited for me lead the prayer . I ask them to leave and I talk to Devina and I am in her domain expansion and I'm not alone. I am standing next to Ayla.. in the domain expansion. And Devina tells me to play nice. I see Alph walking outside and tell the priest to grab him. Alph sings the black parade. and I tell him to come to the ball tonight and I'll get them on the list. Alph meets up with V and Bree and tells them the skinny. While I go to lunch with Gallie They go to Ithocrest to leave a note for V's mom... and then they go to get ready for the ball.   I get escorted to Gallie's tower, and we go in. This is the same room I was in with Ben with the Ilirium loadstone (it's not invented yet) I convince him to get out of the lab and get some fresh air, we go to an island (Beach episode!!!!!) We hunt for some seashells and build sandcastles.. I tell him to promise me not to hurt people and also Gnolls to which "he agrees" We poof back right before ball starts and I add my friends to the list.   We go to the ball, in the the carriage with everyone and "make small talk" I find out Flameo is dead and also V wrote a letter to his mom....   Gallie presents his loadstone... and we teleport away                

    Bree's bad day 1/7/24

    We are in Burrowdale, and Bree is holding a stack of books. We go into the Tipping tanker and see a young version of Angela. Bree is very upset and says we better not fuck with her future/past We need to find her her staff which is in The Sealed burrowed tomb. (which was apparently a dungeon at one point) The longer we take in there the long she has to live out the worst day of her, Burrowdale burning down by Runedrix. She tells us it is somewhere past the first 3 floors. Alph is a big baby and stays behind with Laz in the tavern.   We get to the Sealed Burrowed Tomb (10 floors known) We get through the first few floors with ease. We get to the fifth floor and see a sign that says "Below this floor only lies death" We get to floor 6 and Errich falls into a pit of acid. We get floor 8 and there is a storm cloud around the ceiling and two giants that say they are going to fuck us.... One of them has the staff in his waistband. We get our asses kicked for a little while and we all go down in this fight at some point or another. I kill the fuck out of the giant with the staff. Errich grabs it and we get the hell out of there.   We leave the dungeon and when we come out Runedrix was fighting her master and Burrowdale is pretty crisp. Bree's master gets set on fire and dies. But Runedrix passes out. We bamp out of there and we are now on a ship... and Laz is young... we find another piece of her staff and then bamp to see a very young... very supple V. and we go into the brothel and V pays for all the drinks tonight and he's going crazy... (we somehow ended up in the summer village of the Fay wild Errich finds out from Jaka) We finally get out of there.... and then poooooof   Into Alph's time it was the dragon fight with the undead everywhere. V takes off after the dragon. and we poof after V with Bree. Alph decides to send our fan group to his Dad's house... and he takes on Edmund's house. We run after V and he blasts the dragon with his Eldritch blast. The dragon blasts us with multiple rounds of plasma and V and I go down. The dragon runs away. Bree teleports us to the city and we are near Alph's house. Alph scoops up Edmund and then they save his father.

    12/17/23 Blast to the past...

    We boof..(fap) out with Bree, I wake up in my childhood bedroom. I look in the mirror and I am 17 yo and my mom is calling me from downstairs. She tells me that my father will be home soon, and he has big news....... (everyone is stuck in the past with me)   My dad comes home to tell me there is an arranged marriage and I try to sneak out the window and my mom asks me where I went because I said I was going to the bathroom... I told her I threw up on myself because her were bad and she asked for my shirt, so I threw up on it and handed it to her. I then run out of the house and see The Hot Grails in the local bar.... I stop and speak to them. Bree says shit is fucked and if I don't follow in the exact same hoofsteps then Alph could get liver cancer or worse Jethro and Tull could never exist. I go to a My Alchemical Bromance concert with Laz and go up on stage and make a fool of myself. *Laz cringes*     (The guy team..aka team B) They go to steal the rod in sewers. They successfully steal it but the bandits chase after them and Alph tries to be a bitch and kill Left.... Errich tries to fap them out but can't... V pushes them both 30 feet away with fire. He is determined to kill Left. Errich turns into a Bear and charges Alph and tackles him. V yells at him to stop and then Alph creates a cage around him.     Bree messages me and tells me to come to the bar.... She stamps her staff and we fap out of my time line and into Bree's (she's 20)

    12/3/23 Illithids? More like Illbitches

    We get to the shack and I unlock the door. Laz peaks in and it's a vertical cave straight down.... (300ft deep) Bree makes us a floaty disk thing. Errich says he sees Illithids (mind flayers) behind the walls. We kill them and they tell us the clan knows..? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Alph tells us that their final evo is an Elder brain if they can collect enough knowledge.... Bree says it's not good that they know we are here now and that they have a hive mind and that only happens if there is an elder brain. involved... we go through the butthole door. Once we get through the butthole, we enter into the hallway aka the anal canal. Then two octopus guys come out of a room in front of us and three from behind us. Alph ends up building a wall and Bree as well. Then we use a Mario star/super monkey ball to zoom through this cave system. Alph hamsters wheels it and Laz builds up a wind wall and toilet bowl down the hole. We get the final boss room with OP Illithids and the big momma brain it is on the loadstone with runes in it's brain?(Idk I spaced out) anyways there is a waterfall on the left of it and a magmafall on the right of it. Alph HITS BREE AND SHE GOES DOWN. We end the stupid long battle once I hit the shield and V hits it and breaks the loadstone and Bree bhamps us out.....UGH SO GLAD IT'S OVER.    

    11/26/23 makin our way underground..(and also everywhere)

    11/26/23 Post titan fight   The boat is fucked. We need to get it fixed stat! Bree calls into V's head and tell us we need to go to the seal buried tomb because she has info on Galliard. We decide to head to Goldencrest because the ship won't make it to Borrowdale. Two days go by and the ship is near dying.... but we make it and queerus meets us there. He gives us our collapsible cart and tells me Edmund is in town at the Silver plates...spoons? (idk it's in my other notes and I'm too lazy to look it up) and that he has our horses. The cart starts humming... and lifts up and becomes weightless for the horses.   We finally get to Burrowdale and Friend guard Thom is there, and we say hi and put him to beddy bye. We go to meet Bree and she tells us that Galliard is planning on turning the Dragon into a Dracolich. He is planning on mind controlling him via gemstone. Which will make Gallie in control of him... which is bad. He has the gemstone he needs already... to become a Dracolich you have to drink a potion to die and then have someone you trust to collect your soul. We need to break up Gallie and the Atorog's relationship, but Bree thinks they have already started the ritual.... Gallie's castle is parked at the havens grove estate but there is not there anymore.   We end up bamph to Gloomrun and I tell Dirt to run home to Gas (aka Gassy) Everyone else runs to the temple of Eisos. V ends up praying to him, and then a black shadow person stands next to him and grabs his arm and poofs off.   (V's interaction) Goes into Eisos land?... He talks about Gallie. He says Gallie stole a book from him, V asked him how to help and he was a big jerk. He tells V he is in control of knowledge which people shouldn't have. He pulls out a small glowing orb, and tells him to gives this to his father. He says try looking first, because that dark magic leaves residue.   We bamphed to an unknown location that V asked Bree to take us and a super hot Bravos pops up. He tells him he will give him one free boon.... of scrying.... and takes V on a trip and he finds the location. Which is on the west coast, where the fake loadstones use to be that held up Goldencrest's walls.   Bree says we shouldn't jump into it all crazy like. I tell her what if we destroyed the rest of his phylactery lodestones   Still need to destroy: -bottom of the sea inside pillars of defiance (where Gallie is at rn) -deep underground and it is channeling heat into magic (It is probably near the lava but also water..?) They are empty... but we need to break them and it is very likely he is near by one of them and they are heavily protected. She teleports us to Gloomrun and we speak to the Mayor. He tells us there is a river of Magma/water around outpost Ajus.   We run into Gary... and he's still...uh Gary. V eats a random mushroom from him and trips out big time. V is trying to walk into the lava, but I put him on my Glaive and walk across it. and we all get across the magma river and find where the rivers meet and there is a stone structure there.

    11/12/23 Titan fight!

    Goals: ✔Slow down titan ✔Hit Titan with chain/collar out of the cannon ✔Kill the cultist and red wyverns ✔Preform ritual and seal titan   We are on the airship, and there is 4 wyverns with drows riding them. We have to slow down the Titan to be able to leash it with our collar.   We managed to leash the titan and Roscoe falls off ship...   The rest of the drow land on the ship and the titan has been leashed with lightening. We have to deal at least 25 damage to the titan's "shield" (each round) and then after the shield is down, we would then focus on Laz doing her special stuff and playing tug of war.   Mushy gets hit and goes down... so far combat has been very tough. I book it across the ship to save mushy and slay the fuck out of the drow mage.   Then blast off to the cultist leader and tear into him (123 damage in one turn!!)   Laz is able to bind the Titan, thanks to V shooting and bringing it down 25 HP. But now we have to bring it under 50 HP while also keeping Laz alive.   Titan stats: 17 AC 300 HP Immune to acid and poison Ice hurts it   Mushy throws a black mushroom at this man and poisons him and then runs to his room.   We fight, and fight, and fight and after a long combat we finally bring this Titan down and Laz seals it near the entrance to the fire plane.   AND THEN WE LEVEL UP!!!!


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