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The Citrine Clan of Hōseki

General History

The Citrine Clan is known for their economic savvy and innovation. Their emblem, a vibrant citrine, symbolizes prosperity and growth. The Citrine Clan has been instrumental in bringing Western technologies and ideas to Daiyamondo, driving economic development and modernization.   The clan's rise to prominence is closely tied to its success in trade and commerce. They have established themselves as the island’s economic backbone, controlling key trade routes and markets. The Citrine Clan’s leaders are shrewd negotiators and savvy businesspeople, always looking for new opportunities to expand their wealth and influence. Their economic strategies have ensured the island’s prosperity and stability.   Throughout history, the Citrine Clan has thrived through trade and commerce, establishing themselves as the island’s economic backbone. Their willingness to embrace new ideas and technologies has positioned them as leaders in innovation. They have played a crucial role in modernizing Daiyamondo’s infrastructure, from building roads and ports to introducing new agricultural techniques.   However, their focus on profit sometimes puts them at odds with more traditional clans. The Citrine Clan is often seen as too mercenary, prioritizing wealth over cultural and spiritual values. They argue that economic prosperity benefits everyone and that their innovations have improved the quality of life for all inhabitants of Daiyamondo. Despite these criticisms, the Citrine Clan remains influential and respected.   The Citrine Clan’s embrace of Western influences has transformed them into pioneers of modernization. They have integrated Western business practices, technologies, and innovations into their operations, driving economic growth and development. Their adaptability has made them resilient in the face of changing circumstances and ensured their continued relevance.

Views on the Bushido

Integrity is crucial for maintaining trust in their business dealings. It ensures long-term success and stable partnerships. Sincerity helps build strong, reliable business relationships. Honest dealings are essential in their commercial endeavours. However, in the competitive world of commerce, they sometimes prioritize profit over traditional notions of Respect. This pragmatism can lead to ruthless business tactics.

Views on the Commonfolk

The Citrine Clan views the common folk as critical components of their economic and innovative success. They encourage entrepreneurship and innovation among their subjects, believing that everyone can contribute to the clan’s prosperity. The clan’s leaders often invest in local businesses and projects, fostering a culture of economic growth and opportunity. The Citrine Clan values hard work and ingenuity, seeing their subjects as partners in their quest for progress and wealth.

Views on Outsiders

Outsiders are seen as potential business partners and sources of new opportunities. The Citrine Clan is eager to engage in trade and collaboration, always looking for ways to expand their influence and wealth. They are open to adopting new technologies and ideas from outsiders, provided these align with their goals of economic growth. However, they are cautious of those who might undermine their interests and are quick to protect their commercial advantages.
Geopolitical, Clan


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