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The Obsidian Clan of Hōseki

General Overview

The Obsidian Clan, once shunned for their dark arts, has recently risen to prominence. Their emblem, a mysterious obsidian, symbolizes their mastery of shadow magic and necromancy. The Obsidian Clan's abilities have proven crucial in defending Daiyamondo from significant threats, leading to their recognition as a great clan.   For centuries, the Obsidian Clan was not officially recognised, but rather a loose affiliation of necromancers, occultists, Renegades and Skulkers marginalized and hunted for their practices, which were deemed dangerous and taboo. Their early history is marked by persecution and secrecy, as they were forced to hide their abilities and operate in the shadows. Despite this, they managed to survive and preserve their knowledge, passing it down through generations.   The turning point for the Obsidian Clan came during a crisis that threatened the entire island. When the other clans struggled to fight and negotiate with the World Government who attempted to forcefully integrate Daiyamondo into Western Society, the Obsidian Clan arose under the leadership of the Witch-Knight Hallowscar. With their mastery of necromancy and the shadows, they forced the Marines into a perpetual stalemate, allowing the other clans to a truce that benefits all sides, one of the terms being that the Obsidian Clan would be recognised as a great clan, ending centuries of hiding.   The Obsidian Clan’s rise to prominence has not been without controversy. Many of the other clans remain wary of their dark arts and question the ethics of their methods. However, the Obsidian Clan argues that their abilities are a necessary part of Daiyamondo’s defence and that their knowledge can be used for good. They have worked to prove their loyalty and value to the island, seeking to integrate more fully into its society.   In recent years, the Obsidian Clan has sought to balance their traditional practices with the demands of a modernizing world. They have adopted some Western techniques and ideas, particularly in the areas of strategy and technology, to enhance their capabilities. Their integration into the island’s power structure remains a work in progress, but they have made significant strides in gaining acceptance.

Views on the Bushido

Loyalty has been key to their survival and eventual recognition. Their unity and loyalty to their leaders are what kept them strong despite external opposition over centuries. Courage is essential for mastering their dark arts and facing the societal scorn they have endured. It has enabled them to rise from obscurity to prominence. However, Honour can often fall by the wayside for members of the Obsidian Clan. many still choose to operate in the shadows and employ methods that other clans might find dishonourable. Their focus is on results rather than adherence to traditional honour codes.

Views on the Commonfolk

The Obsidian Clan views the common folk with a mix of protectiveness and detachment. They recognize their duty to safeguard their subjects, especially given the clan’s history of persecution and secrecy. The Obsidian Clan’s leaders often work behind the scenes to ensure the safety and well-being of their people, valuing loyalty and unity. They understand the fear and suspicion their practices can evoke and strive to earn the trust and respect of the common folk through their actions.

Views on Outsiders

Outsiders are approached with considerable suspicion and caution. The Obsidian Clan’s history of marginalization has made them wary of those who might seek to exploit or harm them. They are protective of their knowledge and abilities, sharing them only with trusted allies. However, they recognize the potential benefits of strategic alliances and are willing to collaborate with outsiders who prove their loyalty and respect for the clan’s unique strengths. The Obsidian Clan values discretion and caution in dealing with outsiders, always mindful of the potential risks.
Geopolitical, Clan


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