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History of Shandar

This is the main timeline of the history of Shandar as recorded by the Lumarks of Shandar-Hra.

Before Banishing

... 1 BB

An era of war, chaos, and despair. The armies of Hrak-Tuzul came from beyond the Unending Planes, to invade Shandar and sow despair, their reasons unknown.   A thousand years of war devastated the world, shaping its people and cultures into battle hardened ones.   Until the Banishing happened.

  • -687 BB

    Founding of the Rhylian Empire

    To protect each other, and prosper, humans, elves, and dwarves of Faerwyn united their kingdoms in a single empire.

    More reading
    The Rhylian Empire
  • -100 BB

    Invasion of Hrak-Tuzul
    Military: War

    "As the veil beween the Unending Planes and the Material Plane thinned, fractures opened between the two, demons pouring out like gushing water. In an instant our ways of life were gone, petty wars and pathetic squabbles no more important as we clinged to life and fought back like cornered beasts."

  • -1 BB

    1 /1

    The Banishing
    Era beginning/end

    As the world was engulfed into chaos and war reigned for a hundred years, a single act lost in the currents of time tipped the balance of powers.   A strike to the heart of the Hrak-Tuzul was enough to banish it to the Unending Planes, thus liberating Shandar from the grips of evil and bringing a much longed era of peace. However it was not without a cost. The act killed The Resplendent Mother, goddess of magic, thus taking away the gift of spells from the mortal races.

After Banishing

0 BB and beyond

An era of peace and prosperity. The scars of the thousand years war with the Hrak-Tuzul slowly healed over time, and the peoples of Shandar were able to restore and rebuild their lands, free to live their lives as they chose.

  • 359 AB

    14 /5

    K'dasj is discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 1000 AB

    Present Day

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